New Diet Drug Declared “Like a Miracle Pill” – IOTW Report

New Diet Drug Declared “Like a Miracle Pill”

nbc news

A daily weight loss pill from Novo Nordisk was shown to lower body weight by up to 13% after three months in a Phase 1 clinical trial, according to findings presented Tuesday at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes annual meeting in Spain.

The rate of weight loss with the experimental pill, called amycretin, appears to be more rapid than what’s seen for other drugs. More

29 Comments on New Diet Drug Declared “Like a Miracle Pill”

  1. Nope, nope, nope.
    Stop stuffing your face with sugar and get up off the couch and take a walk, at least up and down a set of stairs a couple of times a day.
    Like the “miracle” Ozempic this will turn out to be deadly.

  2. Do we know what this pill is really doing to people?

    Anymore these days that’s the question to ask!
    Altering our bodies for this, that and the other thing is not a good path to travel.

  3. Lassitude? Amphetamine.
    Overweight? Amphetamine.
    Depressed? Amphetamine.
    Can’t sleep? Amphetamine. (think about it)
    Bad Focus? Amphetamine.
    Too focused? Amphetamine.
    Need to put on muscle? Amphetamine.
    Stress? Amphetamine.
    Problems with sexual performance? Amphetamine.
    Not enough money for cocaine? Amphetamine.

    Amphetamine is the wonder drug of the twentieth and twenty first century. World war two was much more violent and active than it would have been otherwise, Korea was blisteringly horrible thanks to the enormity of the amphetamine use, and WWIII ought to be a blowout of EPIC proportions!

    Ask any biker
    ya happen ta see
    what’s the best method
    that’s P2P!

    P2P’s the method for me
    The method for me is P2P!

    A little jingle for you.

  4. Don’t eat too much garbage and exercise.!Those commercials with fat asses with type 2 diabetes dancing and singing about lowered A1c “whatever that is” because of some drug piss me off!

  5. The side effects (as I am now facing of these meds) are worse than the overall dangers of just being fat.

    As a person with some problems with lymph nodes,heart failure, and diabetes as a family inheritance Doctors pushed this stuff on me at every appointment until I accepted. I tried 3 of them (good insurance you know).

    After months of suffering projectile vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, rashes, sleep loss, kidney failure, and stomach issues I now stand on the brink of: heart
    surgery, dialysis for the rest of my life/kidney transplant, overhaul of my digestive system, and other sundry things.

    I am not asking for sympathy as I am where I am at due to both genetics and poor choices. I have my eternal bags packed as I face the big sleep at anytime.

    my point to you is that better living through chemistry is a fallacy underwritten by big phrama. Don’t take these meds even though your doctor is smuggishly sure they will work…

  6. Am an old timer who remembers cigarette ads on TV .They were eventually banned for good reasons. Now if you watch commercial TV at all there’s a multitude of drug ads with bizarre side effects all advising people to “Ask your doctor” if their drug is good for you to use . (As if any of us has easy access to a doctor who’s a specialist at anything and willing to discuss Big Pharma’s newest drug “which May help” whatever condition you’re in.)

  7. ““It shows potential promise.””
    at $1500 a month, it would be cheaper to get a seat on one of the many empty planes that fly to haiti and get dysentery instead.

  8. You dont fix everything with a pill. Even THESE guys know that.

    …and the Ozeympic thing just screwed legit diabetics out of necessary medicine so people could take it for vanity purposes.

    And folks drugging themselves would do well to remember that, in pharmacology as in life, you dont get something for nothing. Therez always a price to be paid.


  9. Don’t need any drugs.

    Try the German diet: forced march of 30 miles per day – in winter – ending with half a slice of bread made of sawdust (can be supplemented with any potatoes you can dig up or find in trash bins).

    Guaranteed to lose 60 lbs./month with no side effects (or, at least, not many).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Stupid to take drugs.

    You can lose “up to” only 13% of body fat in three months even without the gym (still a good idea) by doing Just One Thing:

    Do not eat anything that has high-fructose corn syrup in it, or which you cannot verify does not have high-fructose corn syrup in it. Read the labels. This poison discard from the ethanol industry is in most processed and all fast foods and beverages and is probably why so many are so fat compared with some decades ago. Read the labels!

    If you want to get really serious about food health, also do not eat anything with artificial sweeteners, seed oils, or that is billed as “low-fat” or “non-fat”.


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