New Emails Reveal Earliest Efforts to Suppress Negative Biden Stories – IOTW Report

New Emails Reveal Earliest Efforts to Suppress Negative Biden Stories


Newly-released records from the National Archives prove that attempts to bury any negative stories about the Biden family began long before the 2020 election, and even predate efforts to suppress the infamous Hunter Biden laptop story.

As reported by Just The News, the emails in question were released as the result of a lawsuit filed by the nonprofit group America First Legal. The emails date back to the Obama Administration, in the year 2015. In one email, an aide to then-Vice President Joe Biden claimed that she convinced a reporter to “only use” negative information on the Biden family “if her editors hold a gun to her head.”

Others in Biden’s office at the time actively worked to censor negative stories surrounding Hunter Biddn’s involvement with the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, especially in the context of Vice President Biden’s trip to Ukraine in December of 2015. At that time, Joe Biden himself personally approved quotes to address the matter of his son’s foreign business deals, even though Biden has since tried to claim that he was unaware of Hunter’s activities.

“VP signed off on this — will give this quote to both reporters in my name shortly,” said Kate Bedingfield, who at the time was a press official in the office of the Vice President.

“Really frustrating,” Bedingfeld wrote in another email in regards to reporters who began asking questions about Hunter’s business deals during that time. “That said, so long as it doesn’t elevate and trigger someone else to write, it’s actually a good and straightforward response.” MORE

13 Comments on New Emails Reveal Earliest Efforts to Suppress Negative Biden Stories

  1. The corruption at the National Archives goes back at least to the early 2000’s when Sandy Berger was allowed to repeatedly steal documents that would have exposed the traitorous Clintons.

  2. And Yet NO ONE would have known about Corn Pop, Chains, leg touching & Roaches until Shit For Brains opened his own mouth.

    Still my Favourite video to show Liberals & explain ALL the references.

    Most common response:
    “Where did you get this? Why didn’t we see this on TV?”

  3. So, just before I woke up early this morning with a dream that I was a caretaker for Joe Biden and that I was being led around blindly into some very strange place and situations, tagging along behind him to keep him out of mischief. There is definitely something going on in the spiritual realm right now when I’m sleeping that’s causing me a lot of sleepless, waking up in the middle of the night to pray thru things which make no sense. Anyone else having these kind of dreams? We are definitely in a spiritual as well as a physical war right now in America. I just want to know what’s going on what’s causing all these strange dreams lately. There is a lot of weird stuff going on that makes no sense lately.

  4. That picture has been around for awhile – he not only sniffs little girl’s hair, he sniff’s little boy’s backsides.

    Whatta a G-damned creep he is. The White House has been turned into a loony bin.

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