NEW Emails Show Ukraine Prosecutor General Connected to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign – IOTW Report

NEW Emails Show Ukraine Prosecutor General Connected to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign

Judicial Watch received 38 pages of records from the State Department revealing that then-United States Deputy Chief of Mission to Ukraine and current Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs George Kent sent an email to then-Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch stating that Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko informed Kent that he was offered “high-level” access to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign by the same firm that represented Burisma Holdings.

The offer was made by Karen Tramontano, who was an assistant to President Clinton and deputy White House Chief of Staff. She is the CEO of Blue Star Strategies, a Democrat lobbying firm that was hired by Burisma Holdings to combat corruption allegations. In the same 2016 email, Kent stated that he responded to Lutsenko by recommending that he not take the offer due to corruption concerns with Burisma and the Clinton Foundation.

Judicial Watch obtained these documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the State Department seeking documents related to a reported “untouchables list” given in late 2016 by former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch to Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko (Judicial Watch vs. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:19-cv-03563)).

SNIP: Burn the FBI and the CIA to the ground.

4 Comments on NEW Emails Show Ukraine Prosecutor General Connected to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign

  1. The only thing you can hope for in a plane crash with the Clintons on board. American politics are doomed to have a Clinton since Chelsea hatched 3 of her own.

    Look up here. The late Turdeau married a young Whore who hatched 3 little bastards. Luckily one was wiped out early due to an avalanche while skiing. However, Justine McSparklesocks found a spoiled little bitch and hatched 3 more little shits.

    Canada will have the name Turdeau shitting on what it could have been for a thousand years!

    You folks will have to deal with the Clinton legacy which will resurface through her spawn that most likely will change its names back to Clinton.

    Worse yet, Obama’s girls may be the USA’s first Black female president if the Biden/Kamala election steal is successfully prevented by the courts and Trump.

    Horrific time in history.


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