New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results – IOTW Report

New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results

In Georgia, there was both an audit and a statewide recount confirming Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally.


New evidence indicates that more than 10,300 illegal votes were cast in Georgia in the November 2020 general election — a number that will continue to rise over the next several months, potentially exceeding the 12,670 votes that separated Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

While this evidence does not change the fact that Joe Biden is our president, all Americans who genuinely care about free and fair elections and the disenfranchisement of voters should demand both transparency and solutions to prevent a repeat in future elections. This evidence also vindicates former President Trump and his legal team for the related public (and private) comments and legal arguments made in challenging the Georgia election results.

Under the cover of COVID-19, Georgia, like many other states, flooded residents with absentee ballot applications. Also like sister states, Georgia ignored various legislative mandates designed to prevent fraud and to ensure the integrity of the vote. These facts, coupled with the closeness of the presidential contest in Georgia and other states, led to a flurry of accusations and litigation charging vote fraud, illegal voting, and violations of the Elector’s Clause of the constitution.

In Georgia, there was both an audit and a statewide recount confirming Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally. more here

20 Comments on New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results

  1. Now what?

    Any Ideas tucker?

    Looks like Sidney Powell should have been given LOTS of time on Fox to explain & update her process as she developed it.

  2. Bush Clan backed Joe. So OF COURSE THE BUSH BOYS – BRIAN AND BRAD – WORKED TO “ELECT” JOE! They would not be Bush boys had they not fixed the “election”!

    Folks TAKE OUT YOUR WALLETS AND PAY ATTENTION1 Jeb and GW hate Don! Their flunkies worked for Joe!

  3. No judge has the spine to do anything.
    AZ is going to prove Bidumb lost. PA already has video of cheating. That’s why Pedo Joe is going. He knows there’s proff he lost.
    I hope it all comes out.
    If nothing else the media will look idiotic.

  4. Pay attention to who accompanies Biden to PA. He doesn’t have the mental ability to make deals to try to stop the audit. Whoever goes with him will be the wheeler dealers.

  5. The real issue is trying to convince Trump haters – oh, excuse me – “Biden supporters” to realize that fraudulent votes don’t actually count, no matter how many times they are run through the machines.

  6. NONE of the audit results matter. There were HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of fraudulent votes cast in Georgia….as there were in many other states. Proving that fact WON’T CHANGE A GODDAMN THING. Because the election results were “CERTIFIED” by Congress and the Electoral College. Once that happened the result was WRITTEN IN STONE and cannot be undone via ANY legal process. Want to change what is happening due to the theft of the election? Then saddle up, sack up, step off the porch and start killing commies. Because that is the ONLY way to remedy the results of their Crime Of The Century and put an end to their ongoing destruction of America.

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