New Evidence Suggests Gretchen Carlson’s Lawsuit Charges Are Bogus – IOTW Report

New Evidence Suggests Gretchen Carlson’s Lawsuit Charges Are Bogus

TheLid: From the very beginning there was something about the Gretchen Carlson lawsuit against Fox News head honcho Roger Ailes that just didn’t sit right with me. First all Fox News is his baby, when he retires he will always be known as the man who created and built Fox news into the highest rated news network. Why would a man brilliant enough to create FNC, be stupid enough to proposition any of his on air personalities?

In the past 24 hours Ailes received support from both Greta Van Susteren and Jeanine Pirro, but perhaps the biggest hole poked into Carlson’s lawsuit is a series of memos by Ailes and Carlson written almost immediately after what was seemingly the ugliest incident described in the Carlson law suit.  more

9 Comments on New Evidence Suggests Gretchen Carlson’s Lawsuit Charges Are Bogus

  1. I think her face is valid proof that he didn’t want to have sex with her. She has the face of a scrappy, gritty, journeyman, minor league second baseman.

    Also, when are women going to start being jailed for these off-the-cuff attempts at getting innocent men jailed?

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