New Evidence Supporting Sexual Assault Allegation Against Biden Emerges – IOTW Report

New Evidence Supporting Sexual Assault Allegation Against Biden Emerges

WeLoveTrump: This whole story on the sexual assault allegation against Biden just got a lot more interesting.

New evidence has emerged today that potentially corroborates the sexual assault allegation by Tara Reade against Joe Biden. Reade was a senate aide and has accused Biden of forcefully pushing her against a wall, kissing her, and penetrating her with his fingers in 1993.

Apparently, Reade told her mother, brother, and close friend about the incident with Biden. Reade’s mother has since passed, but both her brother and friend confirm that Reade did in fact tell them about the incident.

What gets even more interesting is that Reade’s mother possibly made a call in to the Larry King Live show in 1993. During the call, the woman hints that something happened to her daughter, a senate staffer, on Capitol Hill. more

17 Comments on New Evidence Supporting Sexual Assault Allegation Against Biden Emerges

  1. Anyone who votes democrat is asking to be sexually abused.


    In other news, the UK health system has reported that there have been three times the number of deaths from flu/pneumonia as from the chinese virus in 2020.

    And the pols who listened to the fraudsters destroyed the economy. This is what happens when you elect someone who doesn’t believe in economics.

  2. Don’t worry, there is another one or maybe two or three waiting to come forward. Is it any wonder that they haven’t, after the way Tara Reade has been treated? If she was coming forward with sexual assault allegations about Donald Trump or Brett Kavanaugh, there would be shysters lined up to represent her and Hollywood actresses fawning over her. Tara Reade would already have a half a million dollars in her Go Fund Me Account. It’s an interesting conundrum the MSDM has created. Stay tuned for further non-bulletins.

  3. Horny Joe or Dementia Joe? Take your pick. Either name spells doom for the candidacy of the man who ended up driving the Dementiacrat Clown Car over the finish line just before the wheels fell off and the motor exploded.

  4. The standard of truthiness must be “credible ACCUSATION”. Not only is that the conviction standard of this, the current, year; but in a Court of The Rule of Law, “evidence”, is not only all that matters, regardless of truth — truth doesn’t matter, at all.

  5. The pity here is that Joe doesn’t even remember any of it; not excusing his conduct, but in my opinion he IS mentally incompetent. His family should be held accountable for putting a feeble-minded person in this position. It’s not right…keep Joe in your prayers.

  6. The Dems never dump candidates. They always double down. Lawyers are going to shred the Larry King call, and the media mafia will continue to ignore the accusation as long as there’s no blue dress. And you just know they’re already working up another sex smear on Trump to counter this scandal. At this point, I think they care more about keeping the House and taking the Senate than winning the Presidency.

  7. I said he wasn’t going to be the nominee-looks like a custom made excuse to dump his ass. Gotta wonder why this woman kept silent in 2008.

    So if it’s Cuomo, how’s that gonna go down? Didn’t spend a minute campaigning and waltzs in? Of course he also didn’t commit to any of the crazy AOC crap.

    Trump will kill him.

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