New Group of Turncoat Gun Owners is Being Launched to Push for Civilian Disarmament – IOTW Report

New Group of Turncoat Gun Owners is Being Launched to Push for Civilian Disarmament


Giffords, an anti-Second Amendment organization created by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, is launching a new group of gun owners to challenge pro-gun groups across the nation.

Building off a coalition that was set up in 2018, Gun Owners for Safety was recently unveiled and has chapters present in Colorado, Minnesota and Texas. It will serve as a counterbalance against pro-gun organizations and will push for gun control measures nationwide.


ht/ fdr in hell

28 Comments on New Group of Turncoat Gun Owners is Being Launched to Push for Civilian Disarmament

  1. …pretty sure she was shot by a fellow liberal, if you want to look for the common factor in violence over the last 50 years, it’s not guns, it’s Democrats, so let’s ban THOSE instead…

  2. The only peaceful end to our division in this country the Left will accept is the total and unconditional surrender of the Right.

    I wish people on the right would realize this and quit the compromising and go along to get along stuff they think will appease them.

  3. Dan Ryan Galt
    OCTOBER 22, 2020 AT 7:20 AM
    “So we should buy more guns then I guess.”

    …my gun dealer always tells me that I just need one more.

    No matter how many I have, or how recently I bought the last one.

    My gun dealer is a wise man.

  4. Well, she is such a “hero” to the left they named a US Navy ship after her USS Gabriel Giffords LCS-10. She was never in the military, she did not do anything for the military, yet she has a ship named after her. The silver lining in this entire tale? LCS stands for “Little Crappy Ship”. Complete crap for a ship.

  5. FWIW, anytime a gun show comes to your area attend it, even if you aren’t actually interested in going.

    It makes a passive and peaceful but very powerful political statement to the Left when you do and the admission supports pro gun activity as well.

    Who knows? You might even find something you want while you meet some like minded people and enjoy yourself too.

  6. Disarm the people, one of the major planks of communism.
    All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.–Mao Tse Tung

  7. In Canada, many years ago, the “conservative” government (Kim Campbell) consulted with “gun owners” and ushered in the most Draconian gun laws ever in Canada. You had to register EVERY firearm, including BLACK POWDER. They almost added Crossbows & Archery.

    2 decades later a REAL conservative (Harper) Eliminated many of these useless laws.

    It was Much stricter than what Turdo has recently “ORDERED” without debate while parliament was suspended buy the Turd himself due to COVID-1984.

    Americans: Take this very seriously. This is much worse than them directly challenging the NRA. Any restrictive rules they introduce will claim to have the endorsement of Firearm owners.

    The NRA has to clean up its act, have responsible, reasonably paid leadership, and stop the infighting.
    Those “executive” salaries are D I S G U S T I N G!

  8. Who’s paying for these Libtards to buy weapons? This sounds like something really lame the Gifford’s cooked up. Again.
    I bet about 50% of them purchased a weapon and decided, hey these things are cool as hell and defected.

  9. Anonymous wrote at OCTOBER 22, 2020 AT 7:46 AM:
    “FWIW, anytime a gun show comes to your area attend it … Who knows? You might even find something you want while you meet some like minded people and enjoy yourself too.”

    My trouble when I go to gun shows in my area is I find too many things I want, and I cannot afford them all!


  10. I’m still trying to figure out why these anti-gun nuts still cling to their delusion that taking away the right of law abiding citizens to protect themselves will have any effect on violent criminal behavior. We all know this has nothing to do with safety.

  11. I suspect that a lot of these gun owners don’t own guns and that a least some of them are being paid by the likes of Soros. It seems to me it’s easy to set up of group of this sort and drive it for publicity.

  12. Dan Ryan Galt – since this has started, been checking prices & availability of G & A; Good luck!
    If you didn’t see the email advertising a new shipment within a couple hours, you’re too late. I’ve been looking at one of those Draco AK pistols for months now; just can’t connect in time.
    And ammo is 3X pre-wuflu prices, if you can find it, so I hope you learned after Sandy Hook and started stocking up back then..


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