New Hampshire to Liz Warren: Meh – IOTW Report

New Hampshire to Liz Warren: Meh


I hate to join the pile-on against a dying presidential candidacy, except that in this case I absolutely love joining in the pile-on against a dying presidential candidacy.

Maybe it’s because I don’t want Washington usurping whatever remains of the private healthcare industry. Maybe I just don’t think we should tax innovators — and by extension, their innovations — out of existence. Or perhaps I just have a thing against getting lectured about how evil money is by somebody who used to get paid mid-six figures for part-time work hectoring college kids. It could also just be her voice.

Whatever the case, I’m just swooning over the latest Emerson poll showing Elizabeth Warren (D-Other People’s Money) tied for a distant third place with New Hampshire primary voters. Emerson calls today’s numbers “a major shake-up” in New Hampshire rankings, and they aren’t wrong. Former Veep Joe Biden shares the bronze glory with Warren at a mere 14% apiece. South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg crushes them both with 22%, perhaps bolstered by his recent strong numbers in Iowa. But topping them all at 26% is everyone’s favorite “democratic” socialist, Bernie Sanders (D-Yells At Clouds).

Emerson’s numbers should be especially troubling for Warren. Our own Stephen (no relation) Kruiser noted this morning that as “Mayor Pete and Bernie have ascended during Lizzie’s downward plunge… she has lost ground to a moderate and her main socialist rival.” “This,” Kruiser added, “has to be about more than just her particular place on the ideological spectrum.” And as Allahpundit wrote at Hot Air on Tuesday, “Warren has been slipping in lots of polls over the past month and a half. And her downturn in today’s data isn’t really a ‘slip,’ it’s a minor catastrophe.” read more

4 Comments on New Hampshire to Liz Warren: Meh

  1. Her plummet in the polls parallels exactly the level of attention paid by voters in this upcoming election. The more they hear from her the more they’re repulsed.
    Thankfully, Fewer and fewer donors will be providing this shrill squaw the necessary “wampum” to continue.


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