
ISIS have appointed a new leader after Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in a daring US raid in northern Syria, according to reports.

Baghdadi’s successor is said to be Abdullah Qardash, also known as Hajji Abdullah al-Afari.

He was chosen by Baghdadi in August to run the group’s “Muslim affairs,” according to ISIS’ official Amaq news outlet.

Little is known about him but he once served under Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

He takes over ISIS at a time where the cult has little or no held territory but remains capable of inspiring horrific ‘lone wolf’ attacks across the world.

Baghdadi, who died after detonating a suicide vest following a Delta Team operation, built ISIS’ self-styled caliphate out of al-Qaeda’s Iraqi branch.



  1. Folks, you’re being played about this terrorist thing. Communism was the boogieman from 1950 until about 1990. Since the fall of the Soviet Union and because we love Cheap Commie Chinese products, our betters had to present a new boogieman. That boogieman to replace Communism is Terrorism. At present rates, your chances of being killed by a terrorist are about one in 3.5 million per year; how much safer do you want to be?”

    Kill one terrorist leader and another takes his place. The U.S. war on terror has spread to 40 countries. The loss of civil liberties has changed our way of life. How are we going to measure “progress” in the war on terror?

  2. Pretty sure the Hajji part means he did the hajj in Mecca so he’s a good muzlim. That part is important to include when mentioning him. That’s the thing that O’s grandmama supposedly went to.

  3. ok …. mr. ‘target on my head’

    step up … step up!

    today’s clay pigeon has been brought to you by Nabisco

    (… figurin’ he’s the guy that lost the coin toss)

  4. Fritz, my cat, I’m only pointing out that we are responsible for our own thinking, rather than just accepting what we are told. Cherry picking some bad actors at religion of peace dot com does not adress the point I was making. Here’s another cherry that could be picked: 60 Million U.S. babies decapitated in their mothers’ womb. What’s the greater threat to an unborn American baby: Some raghead in a tunnel in Syria? or The baby’s own mother?

  5. Redacted takes another hit

    Holy Fuck I’ve tipped a few but are you trying to equate abortion with the killing of a terrorist piece of scum? Yes or No would be bitchen

  6. @Redacted takes another hit October 27, 2019 at 11:02 pm

    > I’m only pointing out that we are responsible for our own thinking

    You Un-American, filthy communist racist terrorist homophobist transphobist Drumpkin! We are citizens of The World United States Same Thing! You filthy h8ers can’t make us responsible for anything! And you sure as Hell Mayberry Same Thing, can’t make us think! That’s not who we are!

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