New Jersey Gets Ticked – IOTW Report

New Jersey Gets Ticked

Just what we need, a new parasite coming out of a blue state. To be fair,  this exotic tick species arrived from Eastern Asia-  the longhorned or bush tick. First found on sheep in Hunterdon County,  New Jersey officials are trying to eradicate the invader on the farms where it has been found. They are testing the bloodsuckers for tick-borne diseases and have so far not found any with this invasive species. More

7 Comments on New Jersey Gets Ticked

  1. East Asia, as China is the greatest exporter to the US markets it is likely that the ticks originated and were shipped here in imported goods.

    We import perverted islamic terrorists from west Asia, diseases from Africa, central & south America and damaging parasitic insects from east Asia.

    And we tolerate sanctuary cities and states?
    We certainly have become and openly diverse progressive society.

  2. so? here in the Peoples Progressive Paradise of Merryland we now have Texas Lone Star ticks …. how would you like to go through the rest of your life not eating meat, dairy products (think no more steak or ice cream) because one bite from these little buggers will make you violently ill if you did?

    I am an avid outdoorsman, hunter and fisherman who has traveled to multiple locations across the US on various trips and spent countless days in the woods, yet I got bit by a deer tick right in my front yard in MD and contracted Lyme disease (borrelia) along with babesiosis. I have spent years trying to purge my body of those f’ing organisms and they keep coming back. I have heard of that new disease alpha-gal syndrome from lone tar ticks. That sounds worse than what I have.

  4. I can’t help but think this is only the beginning of the putrid, discussing, illegal, no-count, pieces of shit that insist on entering our country and sharing their filth, bugs, and unwanted viruses among the host nation.

    Don’t you feel comforted knowing how much they care about our well being????


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