New Jersey Town Deploys Talking Drones To Enforce Social Distancing, Local Paper Condones Repression From Above – IOTW Report

New Jersey Town Deploys Talking Drones To Enforce Social Distancing, Local Paper Condones Repression From Above

Other mayors, take note: The mayor of Elizabeth, New Jersey is using a shiny new toy to nab the knuckleheads.

In his city, which alone has nearly 4,000 cases of coronavirus and at least 199 deaths so far, Chris Bollwage has announced plans to deploy talking drones to ensure that people are following the rules on social distancing.

These swooping robots with wailing sirens will surveil public property only, his police say. Not sunbathers in their backyards. More

30 Comments on New Jersey Town Deploys Talking Drones To Enforce Social Distancing, Local Paper Condones Repression From Above

  1. “These swooping robots with wailing sirens will surveil public property only, his police say. Not sunbathers in their backyards. ”

    …you know absolutely NOTHING about the sorts of people who watch security cameras all day if you really believe THAT…

  2. kt
    MARCH 3, 2021 AT 6:05 PM
    “Update on bad food for National Guard, they got a bad breakfast with all the oranges moldy. The contractor is getting paid over 10 million for this crap.”

    …this is locally sourced catered meals, not MREs or from the TOTM feeding programs, which would be WAY better suited for this.

    I think it’s some kind of graft deal, probably a minority business type of deal, because shit like THAT doesn’t have a CHANCE to get into warfighter rations or field kitchen tray packs, its just way too controlled…

  3. 4000 ‘cases’ of covid of which 3988 don’t feel sick and 197 who died ‘with’ covid, not from covid.

    how long do we have to go on pretending this isn’t a con job?

    We no longer have to wonder how germans accepted hitler. all you have to do is look around and you can see that people will accept any narrative that tyrants make up.

    deep thought: did you ever stop to think that maybe this is what hitler had to put up with from the communists in germany and maybe he just got fed up and went postal? do you think the commies in germany were any different than the commies here in america today?

    the commies in chile were just like our commies, too. Pinochet said fk that!
    and the commies in spain, too. Franco took care of them, didn’t he?

    it is no different today. we have to get banned, deplatformed, spit on, have the shit beat out of us if we go to a trump rally. If a leader would rise up in this country and put an end to it, by the only means there is to stop it, (know what i mean), history books would record just another hitler, pinochet or franco, dontchaknow?

  4. The law is not your friend if you shoot down a drone. I remember reading a story about a guy in Alaska, of all places, that blew shot a drone down piloted by his perv neighbor trying to get a peak at the guys 16 year old sun bathing daughter. The dude ended up paying a big fine and getting a felony out of that episode. I’ve heard similar stories in other states.
    So if you’re gonna shoot a drone, shoot the owner too.

  5. ” … we’re just trying to save lives.”

    yeah, sure
    … like all those lives invitro & in the Kuomo Koncentration Kamps, aka Nursing Homes, that D’rats willingly sacrifice for the common good … of course

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