New Kavanaugh ‘Bombshell’ By Political Partisan Max Stier Leaves Out One Detail: ‘Alleged Victim Denies Any Memory Of It – IOTW Report

New Kavanaugh ‘Bombshell’ By Political Partisan Max Stier Leaves Out One Detail: ‘Alleged Victim Denies Any Memory Of It



According to Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, a former Yale classmate of Kavanaugh’s, nonprofit owner Max Stier, said he once saw the future judge with his pants down at a dorm party while friends pushed his penis into the hands of a female student. Stier shared his story with senators and the FBI last year during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, but the FBI did not investigate it, the reporters said.

However, Mollie Hemingway, an editor at The Federalist, tweeted Sunday that the woman Stier reported seeing Kavanaugh expose himself to has no memory of the alleged incident. Hemingway said “the book quietly acknowledges” this fact, but it goes unmentioned in the excerpt published Saturday.


Hey stupid. if the girl either doesn’t remember, or didn’t much complain about it even if it did happen, what standing do you have to lodge a complaint?

ht/ hot salsa

23 Comments on New Kavanaugh ‘Bombshell’ By Political Partisan Max Stier Leaves Out One Detail: ‘Alleged Victim Denies Any Memory Of It

  1. We must re-litigate fooking everything with these people. They are my dog who thinks every time I look at him it’s time to play frisbee.

    Actually, my dog isn’t as fixated as these knuckle dragging morons are.

  2. Classic hit and run smear tactics by the drive by media. It has a 2 fold purpose, 1. Continue to stain BK and throw doubt over every one of his decisions 2. Send a clear message to all Trump nominees that their lives will be a living hell if they take a position with him.

  3. Psssst. I hear from a reliable source that John Wilkes Booth was framed, Lee Harvey Oswald was vacationing in Florida in Nov 1963, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was working the set of the fake moon landing when RFK faked his own death and Elvis is still touring
    the Catskills.

    Pretty sure that guy is reliable.

  4. And one more thing. Stier, a genetic male who is probably quite familiar with the handling of others’ penii, just happens to be…a long time Clinton defense attorney.

    No need to mention that. It’s a small world after all.

    Some people who run “non-profits” are the most crooked fucks in the country. Non-profits who pay their executives 6 and 7 figures to not profit. Get rich tax / campaign finance evasion schemes.

    Back in the old days, you at least had to go through the motions of starting your own religion to get away with what modern “non-profits” do.

  5. Time to dig into those reporters past. Did their parents bribe their way into school? Since we’re all criminals now I’m sure they’ve broken dozens of laws. C’mon man. Let’s ruin their lives. It’s only fair.

  6. They had to do something to try and shit on the news that Blasey Ford’s dad is a Trump supporter, and this was the best they could come up with. More lies to pollute Google searches.

  7. how does one party ‘push’ a second party’s penis into yet another, third party’s hand?
    Sounds like we’re talking dead bodies or something. And did they use a stick to push it? Maybe a ten foot pole? How does someone do such a thing?
    If one reads the quote literally, Kavanaugh isn’t alleged to have done anything wrong. Others seem to be claiming to have committed assault, then sexual assault.
    But none of it happened anyway. But there are the beginnings of efforts to dump harris from the democrat race. She’ll be the whopper spouting limelight grabber this week.

  8. Sotomayor tried to touch my “special purpose” once.
    Actually twice.

    Even though I have no actual recollection of it – I’m fairly certain that it may have happened – oh – even though I never worked in the Supreme Court, either.

    But the “truth” is more important than any old facts.

    Sandy O’Cortez said, quite correctly, that: “There’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right …” and this is one of those cases.

    She should be impeached.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. He must have the biggest thing ever. Every party he ever went too he has it out. Been to alot of parties don’t remember anyone walking around with it out. Big or not people remember the guy with it hanging out. This stuff is getting gross and extremly wierd.

  10. If someone grabbed Kavanaugh’s penis and thrust it at someone else he would be the one being assaulted. Just another attempt to try to disqualify and smear him and try to sway his views. AND very likely Ginsberg is near the end and they certainly cannot allow Trump to appoint another SCOTUS after appointing such a reprobate.

  11. I’m not a licensed theologian, but I believe there is something in the bible admonishing us to not “bear false witness against our neighbor”… not that the democrats would care.


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