New Leader in the Race To See Who Could Be the Most Progressive Loon – IOTW Report

New Leader in the Race To See Who Could Be the Most Progressive Loon

This is a competition amongst the left, no?

How else could this ideology produce such thinking unless this is simply a contest to see who could be the most outrageously progressively stupid?

We talk about schools – how many schools are going to have careers officers say to people, “have you thought about prostitution?”

‘It’s not going to happen. And that’s a cultural thing. Why shouldn’t they? Why shouldn’t they?’

Uhhhh, because we Europeans have created a “cultural thing” where sucking dong and putting dick in your poopy chute is considered the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of survival. It’s what drug-addled and desperate people do to keep themselves above ground. Looking down on prostitution is a wise “cultural thing.” It doesn’t promote an overall wellness to the society at large.

Prompting kids to look into it as a career choice is pretty much the equivalent of pulling down your zipper and asking them if they want to take an aptitude test– for a fee, of course. We don’t want to make this crass.

The Daily Mail has this moron’s (Dennis Parsons) story.


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