New Management wants Deadspin to ‘stick to sports’ – IOTW Report

New Management wants Deadspin to ‘stick to sports’


The Deadspin blog has been at the forefront of the “we won’t stick to sports” movement, but that may be about to change. Megan Greenwell, who identifies herself as the site’s “former editor-in-chief,” writes that new management is insisting Deadspin change its ways (so often vulgar, irreverent, anti-Christian, anti-Trump) and she has submitted her resignation.

Just this year alone, Deadspin “prayed” that God would not allow the Liberty University “bigots” to win in the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, mocked Tim Tebow for abstaining from sex until marriage and trashed conservative opponents of the progressive “Equality Act” legislation. Deadspin frequently uses President Trump for a punching bag, too. And this is just a tiny sampling of this slimy sites’ nastiness.

In her post, “The Adults in the Room,” Greenwell complains on her way out the company door that she and her colleagues “just care too much about The Truth to yield before the gale-force winds of Capitalism … .” But yield, she did, to the “ruthless, profiteering guys in ill-fitting suits” of Great Hill Partners, a private-equity firm that now owns Deadspin. These hated capitalists are all white male one-percenters, she notes.

Greenwell said it’s exceedingly clear that the new owners envision a narrowing of the scope of Deadspin’s coverage. In her conversations with CEO Jim Spanfeller and Editorial Director Paul Maidment, they resisted Deadspin’s coverage of politics and other media companies (like ESPN, a frequent target). Maidment issued a “stick to sports” edict. more here

5 Comments on New Management wants Deadspin to ‘stick to sports’

  1. this is great. For once, a company is going to be steered to the right or at least, to the middle. So many companies nowadays get hijacked by management that’s hard Left and they’re using OPM Other Peoples Money (shareholders & investors) as a a way to bludgeon and censor any opinions that aren’t Leftist.

  2. Good to hear a TV channel that sticks to what they get paid to do and what their investors expect.

    CNN and the others won’t take a hint. It’s a Marxist view that everything is political. A Bugs Bunny cartoon is political. A kid chasing butterflies is political. A guy grilling steaks on his backyard grill is political…especially that one.

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