New Mexico: Dem withdraws from race after sexual harassment claims – IOTW Report

New Mexico: Dem withdraws from race after sexual harassment claims

BPR: The Democratic Party is reeling under the weight of sexual misconduct allegations.

New Mexico Democrats are hurting after one of their top politicians found himself forced to step aside in an upcoming statewide race due to opposition from women within the party, AP reports.


Sen. Michael Padilla (D-Bernalillo), who serves as New Mexico’s Senate Majority Whip, withdrew his bid for Lieutenant Governor because of sexual allegations from 2006 that have come back to haunt him.

Padilla, widely seen as a rising star within the Democratic party, was favored to win the race before word of his misdeeds resurfaced.

According to two federal lawsuits against Padilla, the lawmaker harassed women while managing Albuquerque’s emergency call center in 2006.

Padilla’s accusers claimed he made inappropriate comments and repeatedly asked women on dates–even when they rejected him. Eventually, the city settled the “sexually hostile work environment” claims.

The allegations came up during Padilla’s State Senate campaigns in 2012 and 2016, but they weren’t enough to keep him from winning.  read more

5 Comments on New Mexico: Dem withdraws from race after sexual harassment claims

  1. I bet the D’s just love those Alinsky Rules now! LOL!!

    (I was just listening, again, last night to a YT clip of one of the ministers who attended the meeting in Trump Tower of the 40-some clergy. The Cyrus anointing is upon our land right now. Remember to pray and give thanks to God for making the crooked path straight. 🙂 )


    Don’t ask or date people from work. If it doesn’t turn out to be a fairy tale marriage, someone will have to quit b/c it’s intolerable to see them every day thereafter.

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