New Mexico Diocese To Let Some Attend Mass – IOTW Report

New Mexico Diocese To Let Some Attend Mass

A Roman Catholic diocese in New Mexico announced Wednesday it will reopen churches and allow a small number of people to attend public celebrations of Mass in what could be the first move to alter a diocese-declared ban on public services in the U.S.

Priests were encouraged to hold public Mass at Las Cruces Diocese parishes while having parishioners abide by social distancing restrictions ordered by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, diocese spokesman Christopher Velasquez said.

That means churches can only hold Mass with five or less people in attendance and they must stay 6 feet apart, Velasquez said.


Five people, six feet apart. You would think that is reasonable, right? Well, the govenor is having a snit fit. Blathering about health concerns, blah blah blah. Yeah, you don’t like it that someone is exercising their God-given right stated in the US Constitution to freedom.

The above statement came from a different source than the linked story. It’s from CNN and I won’t link to them. Just Bing “diocese of las cruces reopen” and you’ll find it.

5 Comments on New Mexico Diocese To Let Some Attend Mass

  1. Five people? That is NOT a public Mass. Are they going to have sign up lists? Maybe, the diocese could raise money by holding a lottery. This was attempted in Denver at a Latin Mass until the diocese rightfully shut it down. How is it just that only a few select get to attend Mass? Who chooses the lucky few? First come, first serve? Imagine the apostles passing out tickets to the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus never turned anyone away, but these priests will be forced to do so under the bishop’s rules. The State has NO authority over the Church, but the bishops willingly gave it to them. Fools, all.


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