New Mexico GOP Congressional Candidate Worked to Spread Scandalous Rumor About Primary Opponent – IOTW Report

New Mexico GOP Congressional Candidate Worked to Spread Scandalous Rumor About Primary Opponent

WFB: A New Mexico Republican congressional candidate collaborated with a conservative meme-maker to push the claim that her primary opponent had an affair while her husband was deployed, according to text messages obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Those messages show Yvette Herrell, who is running against Claire Chase for the Republican nomination in New Mexico’s Second Congressional District, working with the internet cartoonist Roger Rael, known for publishing ruthless memes about New Mexican politicians, on a cartoon depicting Chase having an affair with her current husband while her then-husband, Ben Gray, was deployed in Afghanistan. Chase’s campaign says the allegation is false and provided information showing that Chase and Gray were not divorced until two years after he returned from Afghanistan. It also says the divorce was finalized months before she had met her current husband.

Chase has called for Herrell to drop out of the race after a news report surfaced indicating that she helped spread the rumor, a charge that Herrell has vigorously denied. But a review of the text messages and interviews with sources who say that Herrell contacted them and detailed the rumor undermine her denial. read more

9 Comments on New Mexico GOP Congressional Candidate Worked to Spread Scandalous Rumor About Primary Opponent

  1. Are you saying A Republicans used Demonrat tactics, why I never, someone fan me quick, I’ve got the vapours…
    Say how did Obama get divorce records unsealed to win his first Senate seat???? Demonrats are lucky they are not running against me I’ve learned their lessons well.

  2. I live in that district and voted for Yvette Herrell in 2018. Torres-Small won when extra ballots were found the next morning in the trunk of a car. Very suspect. The Republican party did not dispute the issue and let the “D” win the seat.

    Claire Chase may be pretty and like guns but she was a never-Trumper before he won the election. Now she is his biggest supporter, wink, wink.

    The mud slinging started with Chase attacking Herrell. And so it goes.

    New Mexico is not blue through and through. Our county voted for Trump in 2016. I believe Trump will carry the state this year.


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