New Mexico’s Governor Uses Child’s Death to Override the 2nd Amendment – IOTW Report

New Mexico’s Governor Uses Child’s Death to Override the 2nd Amendment

Red State

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham declared a public health emergency over “gun violence” on Thursday following the death of an 11-year-old boy. On Friday, she took the unprecedented step of “suspending” gun rights in Albuquerque, the state’s largest city, with the possibility of other cities following suit. More

34 Comments on New Mexico’s Governor Uses Child’s Death to Override the 2nd Amendment

  1. This is a matter of Crime, not a matter of “Health.” Crime and Health are two different things.

    But, sure, let’s consider this a Health issue and treat it properly by first identifying the source of the outbreak, what it looks like when it manifests, isolating it, find out where it’s located, learning how it spreads, and then eradicate it accordingly.

    Ya. I don’t think that’s what she wants to do at all. Leave it to Progressives to not see clearly and to “pretend not to know.”

  2. Typical democrat maneuver:

    1. Make illegal “temporary” ban on gun rights.

    2. Crime gets out of control because the criminals know the law abiding can’t protect themselves in their cars or on the street.

    3. The rise in street crime “justifies” an extension of the illegal ban that caused the crime spike in the first place.

    The democrats aren’t stupid. They want this country to be a shithole because they are demonic and evil.

  3. Oh lookey, a turn coat Republican! Just think, hundreds from California flocked to New Mexico because it was a Red State, and not that far from Cali. I keep telling people leaving California, that politics change every 4 years. Bunch of liberals who high-tailed it to Austin, TX, hate Austin and are returning to California. They say there’s no culture there. LMAO! Wherever you go there you are. 🙂

  4. Makes total sense to pull the teeth out of the sheep because the wolves have teeth. /s o.O

    So when the gun related violence increases, because the criminals now have less resistance, that can only mean we need MORE banning of our constitutional rights. Makes sense… in LALA land,

    Where reality takes a hike when communists are in charge.

    Funny thing is, The 2A was meant for resisting exactly this.

    Self defense is a God given right. Not a government given right.

  5. “Sundance calls this a trial balloon and assumes it’s orchestrated. We can expect more of the same if this goes unanswered.”

    Exactly. And they’re not concerned about the recent loss of life or public safety. What they are concerned about is getting shot when they finally go to far.
    The California state legislature approved an 11% excise tax on guns and ammo last week. The Nazi bastards keep getting shot down in court on their anti 2a crap so they will try and make it to expensive for you to own a gun.

  6. ” Different Tim AT 2:20 PM
    Didn’t know you could suspend constitutional rights.”


    Open carry anyway.

    Get arrested and be peaceful about it.

    Sue her all the way up to the Supreme Court – if necessary.

    Collect $5,000,000.00 and get the yoke of the tyrant off all the people, to boot.

    Someone has to do it, but if five thousand open carried in protest at the state capital – they wouldn’t have enough room to jail them all.

    And the jack boot cops “Just following orders” might get a bit nervous at the prospect of being out manned and out gunned. Give them pause to reconsider what they are doing.

  7. I would not volunteer to be a ‘legal martyr’ for the 2nd Amendment – not with these vicious clowns. If I’m going to break what they consider to be law but I know to be unconstitutional, I’ll be prepared to fight.

  8. This Gov is a piece of work.She’s being investigated for the misappropriation of funds. Something to the tune of $65K. Mainly to buy alcohol. And she also has a sexual abuse case going on where she is accused of grabbing a young male staffer privates after she dumped a bottle of water on his crotch. Yea, she’s a Democrat.

  9. Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Now, and right effing now! With a vengeance or two at least! New Mexico needs the largest continuing open carry parade(s) it can make, and right now. No compliance, open defiance. That could be a 2a protest chant.

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