New Music Video ROASTS Woke Libs – Catchy tune too :) – IOTW Report

New Music Video ROASTS Woke Libs – Catchy tune too :)

This is well done track. Kudos.

see here

20 Comments on New Music Video ROASTS Woke Libs – Catchy tune too :)

  1. You do realize there is more and more
    of these mentally ill freak-a-zoids out
    on the street every day.Like zombies there is
    NO FRICKIN’ CURE! Extermination is the only way….

  2. You don’t need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind blows. All these knuckleheads who parade everything about their sordid lives on the internet and other social media in front of God and everybody are doing nothing but damage to themselves and don’t know it or don’t care. It’s become all about me, me, me and nothing else. I don’t care to know everything about everybody else and their personal peccadillos, they should all just STFU and quit boasting and quit bragging about how great they are or what they did, nobody else cares. I blame it on everyone now getting a participation trophy for just being sentient enough to breathe.

  3. Wow! Well, when he puts it that way….there’s no other conclusion, is there? LOL!

    They *have* gone out of their damn minds.

    (Our #1 daughter brought her young man for Sunday dinner last weekend. No tats, no piercings, he and his brothers were named for the apostles. What can I say. God is good. A fresh-faced, guiless, normal young man with a proven intellect, gainfully employed in his profession and a stated regard and affection for #1 daughter. And he still asks advice from his own parents. There is still hope for us all.)

  4. This is what happens when God is ignored by families, government and culture – generations of aimless, childish, nihilistic emotional, deviant behavior.

    Great video, BTW. Nobody with good sense cares about fits and tantrums on social media. However, it does reflect a sick, twisted society that desperately needs God.

  5. I got that line from Bob Dylan’s mid 60’s folk song Subterranean Homesick Blues. National Lampoon probably stole it from Dylan. And the Weather Underground (with Bill Ayres as one of its members), the radical 60’s terrorist/anti Vietnam War group used that to name their commie organization.

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