British citizens could get six months in jail for reading/commenting on Bare Naked Islam

BNI -The office of the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has issued a grant for the new Thought Police –  an online ‘hub’ designed to identify so-called ‘hate speakers’ for police.  What’s more, he is spending millions of pounds of British taxpayer money to essentially eliminate the concept of free speech.




  1. I love BNI. Very informative – read it all the time. A big middle finger to you, mayor mcsensor. George Orwelll himself could not have dreamed up someone who is such a caricature of evil. Go UKIP!!

  2. Limeys have never had any guarantee of “free speech.”

    In fact, we are unique in the world on this account. One of the reasons we were an exceptional country – a “shining city on the hill” – a land of hope and opportunity – a beacon of Freedom and Liberty.

    Socialism, John Dewey, and the corruption of our “educational system” has destroyed all that. We are sliding into the 3rd world morass of ignorance and hate.

    Thanks, Obola!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So, according to Khan the guy who chops off the head of an unbeliever is a peaceful muslim, but the guy who says the muslim chopped of a guy’s head is a hater, and probably ought to have his own head chopped off too, or at least go to a prison full of muslim butt-fuckers.

    Got it.

  4. So if Obama gives away control of the Internet at the end of the month, does it mean that to shut down website like Bare Naked Islam, he won’t have to deal with Congress or the FCC, just make a call to Tehran?

  5. Ain’t Islam grand? Bet the population of London thought socialism was intrusive. Welcome to hell and he has just STARTED! He is Obama on steroids. Obama is still a light weight hemorrhoid, so far.

    Gads, he goes around the world bitching about Trump. Such a classless jackass. Pure Trojan Horse, conquering from within, by inviting barbaric hordes to destroy America in every way possible; creating divisiveness; robbing taxpayers of money, jobs and hope.

    What a shameless, heathen, despotic, representative America has, being snubbed on his trip to sell off more of America’s assets.

  6. This is a perfect example of why Muslims should not in positions of authority. All people of good faith should literally be up in arms about this. The people of Britain straight up against the Germans in World War II. Yet it seems for all intents purposes they have given up their sovereignty to foreign invaders without putting up any kind of fight at all. It really strikes me as strange considering the history of the British people and their proclivity towards brutality. The leftist elites in Britain ought to be worried. When you take away a person’s right to peacefully protest or speak out against a cause, what is the alternative? Rebellion.

  7. Does the same concept apply to our situation, should that dumbfuck muzzaloid in the White Hut try to mess with our internet? He is a proven traitor to our nation, and a betrayer of his sworn oath of office, twice.

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