New Optical Illusion Developed – IOTW Report

New Optical Illusion Developed

Update- It seems some (well, not really some, only two… and both might be being cheeky) in the comments think this is a hoax illusion.  I just had to see for myself!  lol

I put the parts of the illusion in photoshop and recorded a screen capture of me pulling the 2 wavy lines over the gray background.

The illusion is legit. See video below.


All lines are identical (*in shape). When they pass over the gray background, the curves that are fully white or black stay curved. When they are colored half-black/half white in the middle of the curve they appear angled.


19 Comments on New Optical Illusion Developed

  1. This is obviously another attempt by the Russians to introduce a foreign agent into our precious bodily fluids by the use of a half-black/half white illusion, just like they did with Obama.

  2. Where they placed the shadow is different. One set of lines, the shadow is place at the top of the curve. On the other set of lines, it’s place at the decent of the curve. That causes the eye to see an angle rather than curves.

  3. Fur, you’re right, I was being cheeky. I hate optical illusions like this because I don’t like to have my brain tricked. Next thing you know some gov’t type is going to try to use something like this to explain away all Killery’s evil, or something.

  4. The transition from light to dark on the squiggles is at the corners on the lines that have the shifting effect. The change from light to dark background is playing tricks with our eyes.

    It reminds me of “diamond plate” the sheet metal that is used on standing surfaces to help provide traction.

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