New Orleans: Audubon Zoo Feeds The Police To The Lions – IOTW Report

New Orleans: Audubon Zoo Feeds The Police To The Lions

Diogenes’ Middle Finger

The New Orleans zoo was once an embarrassment to the city, but with Audubon redevelopment it came to become a source of civic pride. But now it seems the folks at Audubon have decided to return to the business of embarrassing themselves again – as the zookeepers have gone woke.

Responding to persons from “members of our community and from persons outside of our community” the Audubon Institute abruptly cancelled their scheduled “Blue at the Zoo” event, which was intended to “promote and foster positive experiences” with the NOPD. Their press statement smells worse than anything that dropped out the backside of a pachyderm. More

9 Comments on New Orleans: Audubon Zoo Feeds The Police To The Lions

  1. …not that I agree with the Audubon Zoo, but I was in New Orleans shortly after Katrina, and they turned in a rather underwhelming performance through it all according to the locals, who said their attitude could be summed up with their initials, NOPD, being read as them saying “Not Our Problem, Dawg”.

    …the few times they DID actually do something, it was do disarm citizens to make them helpless before the looters, like this;

    “Local police officers began confiscating weapons from civilians in preparation for a forced evacuation of the last holdouts still living here… Police officers and federal law enforcement agents scoured the city carrying assault rifles seeking residents who have holed up to avoid forcible eviction.”

    …sorry, I respect police, I’ve worked closely with police, known policemen personally, and been to police funerals, but while I believe the police CAN be a force for good, all they’ve shown me so FAR is that they are willing to be the Democrats’ Sturmabteilung like an abused dog that just becomes MORE loyal to its bad master, so no, hate lefty wokeness though I do, I will NOT uncritically “Back The Blue” either, the NOPD in particular, seen them in action SINCE then too and they’re…well, very diverse, at least, is probably the NICEST thing I can say about them…

  2. The New Orleans police department is 57% Black and 37% White. The other 6% is Cajun, Creole, Coonass, Airdate, Gator and Garfish….That’s pretty diverse….

  3. Sounds to me like the zoo got threatened with riots. That would be a nightmare for animals and children.

    ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS, re Katrina, I don’t totally blame the cops — there was widespread looting; also the police and NG were under orders from Democrats in a fairly unusual emergency situation.

  4. FUCK the Audubon Society. They started as a goddam birdwatching outfit of foppish dandies and chair-moistening gerbil ranchers.

    But then they realized they could grift BILLIONS of donations out of Corporate Amerika and well-intentioned Karens.

    Now a fucktard fascist cabal of coo-coo for cocoa puffs Leftards is sticking their oar into shit that Is NOT In Their Wheelhouse.

  5. janitor
    MAY 6, 2021 AT 9:14 PM
    “ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS, re Katrina, I don’t totally blame the cops — there was widespread looting; also the police and NG were under orders from Democrats…”

    …perhaps, but it seems like that “only following orders” thing has been used before, maybe in another country in the ’30s and ’40s that ALSO confiscated guns from citizens in anticipation of forcibly relocating them.

    …how’d THAT work out, anyway?

  6. I wish they had built a wall around Nawlins and kept any of them from leaving after Katrina. They should have also air dropped guns, ammo and 40 ouncers by the plane load and let them establish a Utopian Garden of Eden.

  7. One day at the zoo an idiot got too close to the lions and they grabbed him and pulled him into the bars of the cage. A brave policeman pulled the guy to safety. The next day the zoo released a statement saying “Yesterday a policeman stole an African’s lunch”.


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