New Orleans Fire Dept. Busy Fighting Zika – IOTW Report

New Orleans Fire Dept. Busy Fighting Zika

New Orleans firefighters are now being treated like interns for the city.

Hayride: Firefighters are no longer expected to just do their jobs in the city. Now, they are taking on other demands, working odd jobs for the city, and most recently helping to fight the Zika virus.

In a New Orleans Advocate report yesterday, the newspaper reported primarily on a Marigny neighborhood fire that erupted, while burying the most unbelievable story behind the firefighters putting out the fire.

While the first engine to arrive on the scene got there within five minutes, efforts to contain the blaze may have been hampered because fire companies in the 3rd District, which covers the swath of neighborhoods from Marigny to the Lower 9th Ward and extends through Gentilly to the lakefront, had been assigned to additional duties Wednesday.

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5 Comments on New Orleans Fire Dept. Busy Fighting Zika

  1. We already have the best defense there is DDT
    Fucking liberals made the world stop using it.
    Liberals are horrible people.
    1000’s have died thanks to them

    World War II was the first U.S. war in which diseases – many like typhus and malaria carried by insects – killed fewer people than bullets and bombs. The reason was DDT. The insect killer – or “insecticide” – had been discovered in 1939 and used extensively by the U.S. military during the war. So, it is no wonder that the postwar period saw the dawning of the chemical age in pesticides.

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