New Personality Type Defined By Researchers: “Tendency For Interpersonal Victimhood” – IOTW Report

New Personality Type Defined By Researchers: “Tendency For Interpersonal Victimhood”

Daily Caller

A new study has defined the tendency for some individuals to see themselves as victims, including in seemingly harmless exchanges, often leading to a desire for revenge against those who wronged them and a sense of entitlement, numerous sources reported.

The new construct, called the “Tendency for Interpersonal Victimhood” (TIV), was defined by researchers Rahav Gabay and Boaz Hameiri as an “enduring feeling that the self is a victim across different kinds of interpersonal relationships,” according to PsyPost. More

15 Comments on New Personality Type Defined By Researchers: “Tendency For Interpersonal Victimhood”

  1. I suggest that someone conduct another to-become-famous longitudinal study of newborns’ facial expressions. I hypothesize that some babies are born scowling or sneering and shrieking instead of just crying enthusiastically and quickly stopping once warmed and comforted. I further hypothesize that the scowler/sneerer group grow up to be liberals and/or academics…


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