New Pet Portrait For Our Gallery – IOTW Report

New Pet Portrait For Our Gallery

This is Hank. What a strong regal boy.

This was done for Jay S in the summer, but as many of you know I delay posting these if there is no time to create another one if the posting inspires a commission.

(I have the time. If I skipped anyone, or someone is waiting, or ready to inquire, now is a good time. Send me an email or drop a comment on this post.)

29 Comments on New Pet Portrait For Our Gallery

  1. Wait. Where is the painting. This is the photograph. Where is the painting you did, Fur???๐Ÿ˜‰

    My goodness, this is just so brilliant. The eyes, the nose, the mouth … perfection!

  2. BFH..oh Lord could it be this beautiful dog is the best yet? I do love the fisherman, well I love all of them, but I feel I could kiss that dog right now. Beautiful beautiful work


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