New Pics of Clinton on Lolita Express and with Sex Slave – IOTW Report

New Pics of Clinton on Lolita Express and with Sex Slave

19 Comments on New Pics of Clinton on Lolita Express and with Sex Slave

  1. Sorry to break your heart there anonymous cupcake but this whole Trump impeachment fiasco was designed by the Clintons to take your feeble mind away from 40 years of Clinton and 20 years of Obama felonies. Suck it up butter cup.

  2. I’m sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation why Bill Clinton was without Hillary on private flights with masseuses, and young girls wearing uniforms with Captain’s bars, on long international flights with known child molesters.

  3. Anyone who defends Bill Clinton is a stupid ass hole.
    Anyone who defends Hillary Clinton is also a stupid ass hole.
    Do I make myself clear enough? Do you need clarification?


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