New Political Words – (add your own) – IOTW Report

New Political Words – (add your own)

Youniverse – The place a trans person exists where they think anyone should give a shit about their ever changing pronouns

Errorist – A lefty that continually pushes known failed policies

Askhole – A journalist who’s been instructed by the DNC to ask softball questions

Nonversation – What takes place whenever a lefty addresses an uncomfortable topic

Unlightened – The state one is in after listening to a lefty pontificate

Ambitchous – A Karen that works to be queen of all Karens

Carcolepsy – The spontaneous reaction to accidentally tuning in NPR while driving

Irrightional – The state an unhinged lefty enters when defending a point in the face of damning evidence to the contrary

Cupidity – When lefties have a slobbering love affair with someone who eventually gets indicted, disgraced, jailed or impeached. See Bill Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Michael Avenatti, Eliot Spitzer, Jim McGreevy, Jussie Smollett etc. etc. etc.

Bidentia — (word coined by Jethro… wants to hear definitions)

If anyone wants to add to this list, do so in the comments.

60 Comments on New Political Words – (add your own)

  1. Bidentia – A devastating condition where a severely compromised dementia patient is used for political gain by a select few “handlers” working in the background. All the while the patient is lead to believe he is cognizant and “important”, and is presented to the public as “legitimate”.

  2. Scaliaphobia: The fear that justices on the Supreme Court have when they go to bed knowing they’ve made a decision that goes against the Deep state/New World Order.

  3. Proactivism:

    Justifying your activism by actually committing the evil acts you’re claiming to be against.

    Examples: Hoax crimes ala Smollett or burning downs forests to “prove” global warming caused it.

  4. Dhimmicrat

    A specially taxed useful idiot desiring to become subject to a state governed in accordance National Socialism and Marxism, a form of social contract.

  5. DemoralizationOverload

    Attempt by the left to make the only sane people in this world think we will never win.

    Attempt by Conservatives to help the left make the only sane people in this world think we will never win.

  6. Libtard:
    1. Anyone who is in the “liberal elite” is really a progressive statist.
    2. Anyone who is not “elite” but still calls himself a “liberal” is merely a sheep…

    Libtards live in a fragile mental state. They survive by believing the propaganda the elite feed them about a lollipop and unicorn utopia.

    “The modern liberal will INVARIABLY side with evil over good, wrong over right, and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success.”
    -Evan Sayet

  7. (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers. Syn – socialism.
    (I can’t recall where I found this)

  8. Bureaucite, a leftist political operative burrowed into the federal system. Such beings are impossible to remove or prevent from weakening the rule of law and fair government.

  9. Mucopolysacchashit Type III (also known as Hunter syndrome) Characterized by the ability to shoot yourself in the same foot you step on your dick with, then loose the gun and no memory of how you got that way!

  10. AZfoxed

    A contest who’s winner is prematurely declared due to it being fixed, pure wish-casting, or the reliance of democrat weighted polls.

    See also propaganda, democrat talking points, left wing bias,etc…

    Example: The Atlanta Falcon’s fans were AZfoxed in the third quarter of Superbowl 51.

  11. autistisinister: Sinister is latin for left. autistic people refuse to look at people who try to communicate with them. leftists refuse to face reality. autistisinister people are leftists who refuse to face reality

    Andrew Cuomo suffered an autistisinister lapse when he had to resign.

  12. Reparations: a communist scheme to steal (“redistribute”) money from producers in the current generation for supposed sins hundreds of years ago done to people long dead to people who don’t deserve it

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