New Poll: 8-in-10 Americans Believe Illegal Immigration Is A Problem – IOTW Report

New Poll: 8-in-10 Americans Believe Illegal Immigration Is A Problem

Washington Examiner –

The latest Economist/ poll found that 84 percent believe illegal immigration is a “problem” for the United States.

And of that, 58 percent called it “somewhat serious” to “very serious” problem. Another 26 percent called it a “minor” problem and only 10 percent said illegal immigration is “not a problem”  More

I wonder what democrat internal polling is telling them? -Dr. Tar

10 Comments on New Poll: 8-in-10 Americans Believe Illegal Immigration Is A Problem

  1. Well then 8 out 10 didn’t vote to backup that belief. Many of the 8 out of ten voted in favor of a more strongly held belief. Probably something along the lines of a belief in getting free stuff, paid for unwillingly by the people who earned it, willingly taken from them by the people they did vote for – the same professional hired thieves, ah the office holders, wherein eight out of 10 don’t believe illegal immigration, aka invasion, is a problem.


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