New Record High of Displaced People – IOTW Report

New Record High of Displaced People

The UN refugee agency has declared 2015 a record year for people forced out of their homes by war and natural disaster. At 65.3 million, three nations account for more than half of the world’s refugees: Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia.


The levels of displacement seen in recent years haven’t been experienced since WWII where 60 million were forced from their homes. USAID reports that “40 million people globally were internally displaced due to conflict and violence by the end of 2015-the highest figure ever recorded.”


8 Comments on New Record High of Displaced People

  1. Barack Hussein Obama is the common denominator in most of this. And his cmon into America for the displaced explains Trumps success. I dislike both but I totally get what’s going on. I don’t like it but even this Average student understands it.

    Thanks for giving me another pounding throbbing headache.

    I know. Not your fault for reporting the truth.
    I miss the good old days when the throbbing was in my nether regions and if it lasted more than four hours ir was a celebration, not a call to a doctor.

  2. War and natural disaster, without breaking down which is what.
    – no mention of ISIS, jihadis and the five wealthiest arab countries taking in 0 in displaced, corrupt African Union and even more corrupt African presidents for life.

  3. A breakdown of the data shows 67 million of those 65.3 million people were displaced either as a direct threat (98 million) or from rationing due to scarcity (503 million) from climate change. 319% of scientists agree.

  4. That these types of records get broken is proof of human success.
    As the worlds population grows, a problem that affects a smaller percentage of the population can still break a record.

  5. Heh … that’s about 2/3 the number of people out of the work (unemployed) force in America …

    That’s about twice the number of rat-people who’ve invaded America …

    Cry me a fuckin river …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Hillary’s State Department legacy.

    And Americans are on the couch pulling for her.

    It’s a sad state of affairs.

    Speaking of affairs, Willy got him some Mondale.

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