New school choice? Trump wants education funds to go to parents if schools don’t reopen – IOTW Report

New school choice? Trump wants education funds to go to parents if schools don’t reopen


President Trump has been advocating for schools to reopen after many students were stuck at home for months amid the coronavirus crisis. And now he’s calling for $105 billion of education funding to be included in Congress’s next coronavirus-related legislative package.

“To encourage schools to make in-person classes available this fall, the President is requesting $105 billion in education funding as part of the next coronavirus relief bill—$70 billion of which will directly support K-12 education,” a White House release says, noting that about half of that “$70 billion will be reserved for schools that reopen.” more

16 Comments on New school choice? Trump wants education funds to go to parents if schools don’t reopen

  1. The parents are responsible for their children’s education, not the state. There will be a lot of alternatives. Being approved by the state will become historical, nut reality.

  2. Orange Man Genius!

    Unlike Socialist Canuckistan:

    Ontario teachers just got raises, internet allowance, Benefit increase and after all that, they DO NOT want to get back into the classroom as per their union.

    Toronto’s Hospital For Sick Children (world famous) strongly urging everyone that KIDS NEED TO BE IN SCHOOL for a multitude of reasons. Our “conservative” provincial government has gone mad with power and they are now acting like the Liberal government they replaced.

    I am disgusted in all involved except the Hospital who are one of the few making sense.

  3. No one can successfully argue that the kids are at much risk from a normal school year startup as both the disease and mortality rates for them are less than influenza. But the teachers/parents are more at risk. What to do?

    Do we put them on some kind of reduced ‘retainer?’ Do we ask for volunteers to teach anyway, while excusing/retaining older teachers for some period of time? I can’t blame teachers in the older age group who do not want to get this disease.

    But I don’t think the various state’s ‘Departments of Public Instruction’ are having this discussion. Plus, the discussion of the best treatment for COVID should have been front-and-center by now, which it’s not.

    So, um, yeah. The President’s idea might be the only way around this mess which is unfolding as we write.

  4. I can’t help but think the kids are better off by NOT being indoctrinated by liberal commies in the public schools system.

    And if they can’t be taught at home, it seems it would be better for all concerned for them to be street savvy than affected by ANY libtard.

  5. I love this man. I think I heard he was going to deem teachers essential workers too. I always thought it was unfair there were no tax benefits to homeschool like deductions for books, Supplies, printer toner, internet, desks, computers, room space etc like there would be for a home based business. I also think if they are mandating kids work from home that schools should be paying for computers and internet access or send actual textbooks home. While our family can still homeschool if necessary (my kids have homeschooled before but prefer to be in school), it is so unfair to the poor and working poor, or people who do not have the option to be home all day, not to mention those born into very unfortunate circumstances. Given that—I’m kind of surprised how many people are not interested in sending their kids back this year. I feel like the pandemic is breaking up the testing racket, the aversion to homeschool, the “you’re not qualified to teach your kids” mantra, the indoctrination and perhaps the dollars that keep families stuck in schools that are either failing or just not working for them. It’s a good thing they are trying to destroy trump bc it could end up destroying a lot of their power.

  6. The damn teacher’s where I live are having marches and protest’s, instead of going back to work. I guess the Prima Donna’s are just to school for cool.

  7. Yes! And the refund should go to ALL taxpayers, not just parents. Like: us small businesses that have tried to hire these products of public education who can’t read a tape measure. AND: Ease some of the ridiculous child labor laws and let us take on teenage apprentices and teach them some marketable skills.


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