New Scientific Study Claims the Killing of Indigenous People By White Europeans Caused the Little Ice Age – IOTW Report

New Scientific Study Claims the Killing of Indigenous People By White Europeans Caused the Little Ice Age

Here’s more “proof” of evil whiteness, courtesy of the loons hellbent on convincing the world that caucasians are earth’s scourge.


The arrival of Europeans in the Americas didn’t just kill off millions of people—it may have also helped trigger the Little Ice Age, CNN reports.

new study says so many indigenous people died of disease or slaughter in the “Great Dying” after 1492 that far less agricultural land was used, causing trees and vegetation to rise up and suck more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

“CO2 and climate had been relatively stable until this point,” says co-author and University College of London Professor Mark Maslin. “So, this is the first major change we see in the Earth’s greenhouse gases.” Until now, some scientists said the period of cooling between the 1600s and the 1800s known as the Little Ice Age was caused only by natural processes like volcanic eruptions.


30 Comments on New Scientific Study Claims the Killing of Indigenous People By White Europeans Caused the Little Ice Age

  1. These morons are claiming that plants took over where other plants had been growing, and that the plants that grew in place of the previous plants somehow did something the first plants did not do? WTF?

  2. So the Killing of Indigenous People By White Europeans DIDN’T cause the little ice age? Man, after all these years, have I been deluded….

    Hey, is michelle obama’s flatulence causing a new ice age?


    A minimum of 95% of what you hear and read reported is either directly from global Stalinists or from the useful NPC idiots they have duped.

    The goal is to forever tear down Western civilization and replace it with a Utopia where they rule over 1/10th of the current world population.

    The U.S. is the biggest remaining obstacle to their achieving that goal and we’re on the skids, societally speaking.

    Make that the starting point of all your news analysis and things will make far more sense than they do on the surface. They know it.

  4. Hmm, Stalin killed around 20 million people and in the same century Mao killed 35 million. Now I am no mathematician but 55 million killed in less than 40 years, which dwarfs the numbers killed by white settlers in the New World, caused not one iota of change in CO2. This is absolute crap and the professor should be fired and learn to code.

  5. So I guess the bubonic plagues of the middle ages caused a bunch of previously unknown mini ice ages, too?

    Believe nothing that comes out of an English “intellectual”.

  6. I think that the Little Ice Age that didn’t follow the two World Wars in the Twentieth Century proves that this is just Leftist Loony Poppycock. After all, the 6 million who died in WW I and the 50 million who died in WW II were almost as large a number as the native populations supposedly killed off during the centuries of slaughter following 1492. Wouldn’t Europe have been frozen solid for several decades after all that slaughter? All those farmers in Eastern Europe who never got back to tilling the soil, and all those Chinese who stopped planting rice must have had a similar effect on the planet if this hypothesis is correct.

  7. For starters Grool is absolutely correct
    Next Stop2think has an excellent point. It you take that reasoning, Mao and Pol Pot and Stalin have plunged us into Snowball Earth.
    It’s all Globalist sanctioned Hate-Whitey speech.
    These fookers have inherited a gold mine of resources and a world of plenty. Now its time to get rid of the ones who built it.

  8. Soooooo… letting them all into the country, is CAUSING THIS week’s ice age?


  9. Most people will believe anything they are told.

    That being said, is it any wonder how easily it will be to fool the majority of Earth’s population when the false savior appears first and claims to be the second coming of Christ?

    Discrimination is not criminal.

  10. This is much more of a pre-drawn conclusion searching for anything that can be interpreted into supporting it than it is a scientific study looking for factual data to form a hypothesis that can lead to a valid conclusion.

  11. I don’t think Indians did much large scale agriculture at all. Little plots of corn and squash, yes. The Indian population was never huge and they were hunter/gatherers mostly. To think that a reduction of agriculture led to a little ice age sounds ludicrous to me. I would need to read the guy’s report before I made a final conclusion about it.

  12. Every Fall the trees become dormant and the plants die. Therefore they are not removing CO2 from the atmosphere. During the Summer, the plants and trees are all green and leafy.They are at their peak of removing CO2. This is why it is hot during the Winter and cold during the Summer.

  13. “Just when you think they can’t get any dumber.”

    Oh, no. Never, ever think that they can’t get any dumber, or that they can’t go any lower.

    They can. They will.


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