New Solomon book: FBI captured Russians accepting nuclear kickbacks during Obama years – IOTW Report

New Solomon book: FBI captured Russians accepting nuclear kickbacks during Obama years

Just The News:

First excerpts from ‘Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties’ by John Solomon and Seamus Bruner. These excerpts come from Chapter 6, ‘Putin and the Pastor: A Nuclear Bribery Plot Exposed.’

As a crisply dressed Doug Campbell stepped into the elevator on the eleventh floor of the Pentagon City-Ritz Carlton, he could feel his heart pounding. At least the sudden rush of adrenaline helped clear his bleary eyes and the sensation of fatigue he had felt all morning after a sleepless night in his hotel room.

It was October 2010 and the Florida businessman had been working for the FBI as an undercover operative inside Putin’s nuclear giant Rosatom for about two years. That particular morning was set for a “drop,” a consequential assignment in which Campbell was supposed to capture on video members of Russia’s nuclear monopoly accepting cash bribes. It was either going to be a seminal moment that advanced the FBI’s counterintelligence case against Russia or blow Campbell’s carefully crafted cover. more here

6 Comments on New Solomon book: FBI captured Russians accepting nuclear kickbacks during Obama years

  1. when is the fbi going to go after the Americans who aided the russians in their global uranium monopoly scheme??
    they did not act alone.
    they had some mighty big help from our well known politicians
    when will the fbi go after them?

  2. Yes, it’s too bad the writing is so hackneyed because it betrays the truly hair-raising facts of the matter and sensationalizes something that should stand, bare-boned, as sensational.

  3. Well, despite the negative commentary above, I like the excerpt.
    It seems written like a spy novel, yes but maybe more people will read it because of that.
    Sydney Powell’s book, License to Lie was written almost like a novel. It made otherwise boring legal material readable for the non lawyer.

    Of course, regardless of writing style this will be censored by the US Pravda.


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