New Song, “Fight, Fight, Fight” – IOTW Report

New Song, “Fight, Fight, Fight”

6 Comments on New Song, “Fight, Fight, Fight”

  1. WOW!!! OUTSTANDING, Top Doge!

    (Please Note: by the way I was reading and interpreting this headline, I was under the impression that this was written and recorded by Claudia! So, just before re-reviewing and copying my Draft to this IOTW Report page, I suddenly realized that the music video was actually produced by “Top Doge”. MAN!!! What a disappointment! Anyway, this Author needs to be congratulated at the very least! Sorry about that, Claudia…maybe next time.)

    Congratulations, Top Doge on a professional, perfectly-synchronized and clean-cut musical masterpiece! Very talented. I’m impressed!

    You might consider sending, emailing and/or mailing your hard copy recording (or two) to the Trump organization who can review it and play it publicly while Trump is still conducting his packed Rallies throughout the US.

    I have also mailed several of my CD albums to one of his campaign fund-raising mail boxes in Topeka, Kansas. But, haven’t heard anything back, as of yet, as I’m really not sure if that is the way to get anybody’s attention, and such addresses are basically requests for campaign donations.

    However, if you have not yet joined a performing rights organization for songwriters, composers and music publishers, please consider joining ASCAP, or similar organization in case your work goes public, so you can be paid any Royalties you are due.

    There are also many other music outlets to help sell your music Worldwide via radio, streaming, recording, advertising, booking, etc..

    Yet, by the highly skilled level of this musical video recording, I guess, you already know all this, including not forgetting to get it copyrighted as soon as possible.

    Again, congratulations and WELL DONE! Hope we all hear, and/or watch it during one of Trump’s many upcoming Rallies.


    HAHAHAHA, That’s ok, pianamusic! I can’t read music and I sing ok with the radio in my car, but I never would want to be recorded! – Claudia


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