New Source Of Biden E-Mails Shows “Hunter The UN of Corruption,” “Joe Biden The Planet It Moved Around” – IOTW Report

New Source Of Biden E-Mails Shows “Hunter The UN of Corruption,” “Joe Biden The Planet It Moved Around”


On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer stated that the emails obtained from Hunter Biden’s one-time business associate, Bevan Cooney, show “a veritable United Nations of corruption” and that 2020 Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden, “as vice president of the United States, was a center point. It was almost the planet around which these business activities moved.” More

The new trove of Biden corruption e-mails was arranged with Schweitzer from Mr. Conney’s jail cell. Feeling put out that he appears to be the only one taking the wrap for a fraudulent bond scheme, Mr. Conney gave Peter Schweitzer, “written authorization” as well as G-mail account names and passwords to provide the best selling author on political corruption full access. Schweitzer shared his preliminary findings on this additional source on Biden corruption with Breitbart, yesterday. Here

10 Comments on New Source Of Biden E-Mails Shows “Hunter The UN of Corruption,” “Joe Biden The Planet It Moved Around”

  1. Too bad we have a corrupt government core. It’s going to be painful to fix, especially for the democrats, if we can find someone to actually fix it so it doesn’t re-occur. Don’t plan on the FBI or the DOJ to be of any help.

  2. There is a reason the media and the fbi are going back to the russia did it explanation.

    Because the republican doj never made them pay for it the first time they illegally used it.

    So why wouldn’t they go to it again? Wouldn’t you?

  3. Biden’s constant response for years was essentially that he did not even want to know what his son was up to. Never talked about it. Never asked about it. Didn’t want to know.

    That does not fly in the corporate world. You have to know if a family member is profiting from insider information. It’s not that he didn’t know but that he wanted a level of deniability.

    These e-mails put the lie to rest. He was orchestrating graft through multiple family members as thin proxies for influence peddling.

    Oh, and Dear Dad, I waited a year to start cheating on my wife and kids before sleeping with my dead brother’s widow. Another lie.

    Woe is me. I’m so lost and worthless. Won’t someone feel sorry for me? Hallie said I’m an embarrassment to the family name. For a Biden, that’s a real accomplishment.

    This is the guy they tried to make a non-issue by having him speak at the DNC convention. They impeached our President to distract from these two shitbags rather than set them out.

  4. One more side note. If they had the Senate, they would have attempted to remove our President from office for asking someone to investigate the blatant crimes of their last Vice President.

    That is how close we are to a Constitutional crisis and a Civil War. 5 votes in the Senate and a lead investigatory agency that sided with the corruptocrats.

  5. On thing is for sure, Joe Biden is a very compromised presidential candidate. He is a blackmail and extortion magnet for hostile foreign powers to exploit.

    What’s been exposed is bad enough but the guy has been in elected office for forty-seven years and what we’ve so far found out about his corruption is quite probably only the tip of the iceberg.


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