New Study Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Other Options – IOTW Report

New Study Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Other Options


This study on Cornell University’s preprint website has not yet been peer-reviewed. Researchers used a computational analysis to look at the Omicron variant, which has demonstrated a lower clinical presentation and lower hospital admission rates.17

After having retrieved the complete genome sequence and collecting 30 variants from the database, the researchers analyzed 10 drugs against the virus, including:

  • Nirmatrelvir
  • Ritonvir
  • Ivermectin
  • Lopinavir
  • Boceprevir
  • MPro 13b
  • MPro N3
  • GC-373
  • GC376
  • PF-00835231

The researchers found that each of the drugs had some degree of effectiveness against the virus and most were currently in clinical trials. They used molecular docking to find that the mutations in the Omicron variant didn’t significantly affect the interaction between the drugs and the main protease.

An analysis of all 10 drugs found that ivermectin was the most effective drug candidate against the Omicron variant. The testing included Nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid), which is the new protease inhibitor for which the FDA provided an emergency use authorization against COVID in December 2021.18

In other words, Pfizer released a new drug which cost the U.S. taxpayers $5.29 billion or $529 per course of treatment19 and which received an EUA despite the availability of a similar drug that has proven to be more effective and is cheaper, priced between $4820 and $9521 for 20 pills depending on your location.


ht/ woody

18 Comments on New Study Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Other Options

  1. “After having retrieved the complete genome sequence and collecting 30 variants from the database…”

    From whom? (There’s no reference cited in spite of a long list of references at the end.)

  2. Since Ivermectin was known, I’ve heard people all over, including one day standing in line at a restaurant about family members slipping Ivermectin in. I don’t know how many who have done it have survived, but obviously all of them I’ve heard say their family member did it for them survived.

    I still say if you have covid symptoms you’d be better off treating yourself at home than going to a hospital.

  3. Couple of weeks ago the wife and I came down with something. I did a little dab of horse paste on day one and three along with zinc and C and D3. By day four I was fine. Wife refused the paste and went to the Dr on day four where they gleefully announced that she had covid and they couldn’t prescribe anything for her. She still refused the paste and it took ten days for her to get better. Neither of us have been jabbed. The Zelinko method works, but as they say “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink”.

  4. @ Bill FEBRUARY 14, 2022 AT 7:40 PM

    So sorry, Bill. I too married a Dem and had many useless conversations for decades. It takes experience to red pill someone.

    My ex became a Trump supporter before I did. She got the woke treatment at the community college she worked at.

    That did the trick. When your voting comes home to bite you in the a**, you better wake up for real. First time I ever saw her vote R and I’ve known her since 1976.

    She’s solid R now. Miracles do happen. You just have to stop protecting them from their own foolishness.

  5. Mix the injectable with a little orange juice and you can’t taste it. You can also mix it in with pudding, that’s the way my husband takes it. I know others who mix it with yogurt, ice cream, some that just squirt it on their dinner.

    I saw somewhere that people were making jello, pouring it into ice trays, adding the ivermectin and then having ivermectin jello shots, many slipping it into hospitals are doing it this way now. Jello is just about always allowed to patients.

    What is sad is that anyone has to do any of this, the pill form should be sold over the counter and hospitals and doctors should respect their patients’ wishes.

  6. Dadof4, my son that is in his 20’s was telling me about some kind of gaming group he’s on where guys are asking women if they’ve been jabbed. It seems some of them serious about starting a family some day are scared of jabbed women not being able to have children.
    So that might end leftist women ever getting a conservative husband, not many leftist wussy men who care about having families.

  7. A bit off topic but there’s no other viable place to post it since the Bullpen is being plastered with spam.

    Apparently, making its rounds on Reddit and elsewhere, China and it’s CCP and PLA may be at it again:

    This is disturbingly similar to early COVID rumors (before it had a name, of course). Don’t know what to make of it yet…

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