New Study finds all Covid Variants have been made in a BioLab – IOTW Report

New Study finds all Covid Variants have been made in a BioLab

Exposé News:
In the USA, covid hospitalisations are up because of variant EG.5.1 and there’s a scary new variant dubbed BA.X from Denmark and Israel, we’re told.  Because of the BA.X variant “scientists” are demanding rules from lockdown be reimposed on Britain.

Mark Steyn pointed out a recent Japanese study showing that all previous SARS-CoV-2 variants were not naturally occurring and were made in a laboratory.  Based on this we can make the presumption that the new EG.5.1 and BA.X variants have been as well, irrespective of which country is claiming the variant as its own.

For their study, Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa, of Osaka Medical University and Kyoto University, wanted to trace the historical evolution of the omicron variant of SARS-CoV2 by studying viral sequences found “in the wild” and deposited in public databases. more

19 Comments on New Study finds all Covid Variants have been made in a BioLab

  1. We need to play Lockdown Bingo or Mandate Brackets to place wagers (iOTW bucks!) on what and when certain states start the Fauci two step again.

    No doubt WA state will be one of the winner losers.

  2. “… all Covid Variants have been made in a BioLab”

    No! … you don’t say …. seriously???

    hello???… we’ve known all along … it’s not like we haven’t been paying attention & seeing who, exactly, has been hounding & pushing us into taking untested synthetic virus enhancing substances, while banning readily available solutions (Ivermectin … wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

    just as one can recognize Truth, one can recognize Evil, if one is willing to see

  3. It has been determined that, through gain of function research, Covid and most likely more deadly viruses have been created. And, those viruses weren’t created for altruistic purposes, rather for nefarious reasons. Now let us determine who is responsible (we already have a good idea), for exactly what purposes (we already have a good idea) and impose the harshest penalties available to us. These people have committed crimes against humanity unrivaled in history on a grand scale – all for the purposes of power, control, destruction of society, greed and avarice. There is NO defense for these psychopath’s actions – NONE. Let the punishment fit the crime.

  4. Mutated ‘variant’ as opposed to a new ‘strain.’ Viruses mutate all the time into variants but usually don’t become new strains unless the variations are biochemically very different. I believe ‘strain’ is the word they should have used to describe the ‘variants’ that were quickly engineered in biolabs.

  5. My. doctor couldn’t ad wouldn’t make eye contact yesterday when I saw him for a check up and he wanted t review vaccinations. wit me.

    I told him that my views and beliefs about the covid stuff had been proven over time and it seemed as if the only people getting covid now seemed to be the vaxxed ones. He nodded and moved on.

    Of course it has all been made up I a human lab.


  6. All the virus movies always get a instant death or zombie effect when their virus strikes, why can’t the World Wide US Bio-Weapons labs get a instant effect virus instead of this never ending election season duck and cover lame BS??? Maybe mother nature will step in and help em.

  7. Illustr8r, I would prefer that the citizens of the state of Washington win, and the state govt. and the feds lose. Inslee and his cowardly ilk just need to leave us the hell alone, we can take care of ourselves and don’t need your so-called-well-intentioned-interference of constantly telling us what we can and cannot do with our private lives.

  8. Is anyone else starting to get the impression that Dr. Peter McCullough has joined the covid FUD crowd in order to sell product? I sure hope not.

    Stick to your guns, remember how it went down the first time, and trust your personal experience and instincts. Most of all, DO NOT COMPLY.


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