New Study- Vaginas absolutely need sex or they’ll waste away – IOTW Report

New Study- Vaginas absolutely need sex or they’ll waste away

Another study released by the same guy states that a sandwich, twice a day, made and served by the woman, adds years to the the lives of wives.

NY Post-

It’s a painful condition that can leave you itching, even burning down there — and no, it’s not a sexually transmitted infection!

Just when you thought you had enough to worry about after realizing having a “depressed” vagina is a thing, women are also at risk of vaginal atrophy.

Vaginal atrophy is a common but treatable condition that causes the vaginal wall to thin.

And while it can be a problem for women of any age, it’s more likely to affect women who are going through, or have been through, menopause.

This is because the body produces less estrogen than normal, which has an effect on how the vaginal wall behaves.

Vaginal atrophy can also occur in women who have been treated for cancer, especially in those who have had hormone treatment for breast cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Common symptoms include discharge, burning, itching, difficulty peeing and pain during sex.

This might seem like enough to put you off having sex for good, but regular orgasms — from your partner or a bit of self-love — can actually ward off the nasty symptoms.

And the key is the increased blood flow to your nether regions when you climax — it works almost like a “workout” down there.


I’m opening a new gym to combat this crisis.

LA Fit in This.

31 Comments on New Study- Vaginas absolutely need sex or they’ll waste away

  1. Before you scoff at this study, I’d recommend you spend a little time in the morgue and autopsy a few elderly women. The vagina absolutely does atrophy after menopause, without regular use.

  2. This is one of those threads where the men really do know better than the women. We know for instance that breasts need to be lifted and separated, that all women need to douche, that pads without wings are ineffective, that sometimes jelly is needed, that ribs on condoms make you feel better, that women can get gassy, and that sometimes you really do itch down there. Go ahead and scratch it honey, from what I see it’s really healthy for you.

  3. @harbqll August 18, 2017 at 7:04 pm

    > I’d recommend you spend a little time in the morgue and autopsy a few elderly women.

    And here I thought hanging out at IOTW Report might get me on some “list”.

  4. Yep, now we know why the First Wookie was always pissed off. The Gay Barky wasn’t doin her up and she wasn’t making sammitches for him.

    Somehow I don’t feel sorry for them.

  5. Oh shit where to begin?
    At the board meeting: Fill me in here
    At the restaurant: yes, of course I want the stuffing
    At the mall: that’s where you park it!
    At the deli: seriously?

    …it’s late.

  6. @Eugenia –

    The atrophy is pre-mortem.

    The autopsy is post-mortem.

    At least that’s when I do them, anyway. You tend to get in trouble doing them any earlier than that.

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