New term for snowflakes – IOTW Report

New term for snowflakes


I like “emotional hemophiliacs.”

Very creative.

Let’s build out our lexicon a bit for these twits. We’ve popularized a number of terms over the years, and proudly (or ashamedly) we’ve seen them picked up on other sites. Nothing is more satisfying to see people using sh!tp!ckle, or chocolate starfish, for instance on social media.

I’m just feeling as if these participation trophy, shielded-from-the-sun, snowflakes who think they can shout and foot stomp and undo a presidential election, could use a new term to describe them.

Let’s see what you have…


150 Comments on New term for snowflakes

  1. “Emotional hemophiliacs” works for me. While were at it though lets’ stop calling the “mainstream media” (NBC CBS ABC MSNBC NYT ect) instead lets call them what they are the the Luciferian media

  2. I also like the portmanteau word, “Autiste.” A hybrid of autist and artiste, for those obsessive young’uns who are on the spectrum, but are absolutely genius with the parodies and memes. They kinda amaze me.

    This can be taken as left the country looking for /snarky greener grass in Mexico or under the snow blanket in Canada. This can also be taken as shot and killed in the Rebellion paid for by George Soros and the New World Order. Take your pick.

  4. I’ve never quite understood how the creatures formerly known as snowflakes can whine and shriek simultaneously.

    Hmm. CFKAS, pronounced “Kafkas” might work – has an interesting twist to it. Franz K. also had a knack for creating imaginary environments with impossible features in order to illustrate human foibles and fallibility.

  5. PHenry beat me to it.

    Useful Idiots is exactly what they are. Historically speaking, these are the people Marx uses.

    Since it is exactly what was intended, I will stick with it so they can see it isn’t just a currently made-up term of endearment.

    This is what I will call my liberal friends when they cry and gnash their teeth over Trump and insist communism is the way to go. It will resonate if I am consistent and not just trying to think of new ways to insult them all the time.

    Those are easily dismissed as ad hominem attacks.

  6. Putting aside for the moment the Soros-paid attention whores, some of the younger children are genuinely frightened. I lay this directly at the feet of the MSM for child abuse. They have been scare-mongering against the right for years, and this is the result.

  7. The walking reds.
    Soropods(those who walk for Soros).
    The Irony impaired (if the roles were reversed they would be telling us to grow up!).
    Soryed (as in soiled).
    But,it is hard to beat the most descriptive: FUCKING CHILDREN!!!!

  8. Sockjuicer or sockjuice drinker. As in SOCial JUStice koolaid drinking. And we all know those people and their ideology stink like a sweaty sock pile.


    Emotional Incontinents.

    Loaded Diaper Babies



  9. Not MSM, but …

    CPSM: Collectivist Public Sector Media
    GPM: Govt Puppet Media
    PPJ: Propagandists Posing as Journalists
    MMMM: Mental and Moral Midget Media
    Newz Minions
    Newz Mafia
    Newz Spewers

    (I’m using “newz” the way food companies use “cheez”)

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