New Trump ad against Hillary – IOTW Report

New Trump ad against Hillary

hillary reckless

Watch it here

14 Comments on New Trump ad against Hillary

  1. 30 seconds. Fits low info attention span. Disembowel this bitch using bites from her own media. And don’t be Romney stupid. Buy air time on network prime time. Put it in front of faces of the pop culture dummies.

    MORE!!! MORE!!!

  2. Bad Brad. Romney had all sorts of great Internet ads. But you’ve got to get them on TV to reach grannies and grandpas and others who actually watch network programming.

    I don’t even use Instagram. Dropped out of Twitter and Facebook too. Can’t stand them.

    It’s got to be an all of the above strategy that reaches all cockroaches, no matter where we get our info.

  3. UNCLESAMSMISGUIDEDCHILDREN, OUTLAWMORGAN, AMERICANSTRONG_OFFICIAL, AMERICAN_ASF, LOREN_NOTASEAL, (dudes an operator and has great stories and footage), infadel_ro, rangerup,keepamerica.usa, recoilmagazine, thefreedomlegion, 1776united, panteaoproductions, foundersrepublic, and last but not least truexodus because we should all shoot that good.

    If you come up with some good ones of your own please share them.

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