New Trump Ad – Clinton Fatigue – IOTW Report

New Trump Ad – Clinton Fatigue

ht. all too much

13 Comments on New Trump Ad – Clinton Fatigue

  1. Flipping through the channels last night, I came upon “Churchill’s Secret”:

    “In summer 1953, some eighteen months after Churchill has been elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for a second time, he suffers a serious stroke. Though his illness is kept as secret as possible his political friends and foes begin to plot his successor when it is unclear whether he will recover or not. He is nursed back to health by Millie Appleyard.”

    They had a scene where they were trying to discreetly get him out of a car and into a house. The final shot in the scene showed his lifeless foot being dragged across the cobblestones. This movie came out in February 2016. That is a pretty obscure historical moment they chose to dramatize. I never knew Churchill had a stroke until last night. Weird.

    And note that he is nursed back to health. So there is hope for Hillary?

  2. I’m glad they didn’t re-enact Hillary getting tossed into a van by showing a patient being put to bed in the same state she was in on Sunday.

    It would be too easy and the left would pounce on it and call it mean.

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