New Trump Ad States “Biden is Giving You the Middle Finger” – IOTW Report

New Trump Ad States “Biden is Giving You the Middle Finger”

17 Comments on New Trump Ad States “Biden is Giving You the Middle Finger”

  1. Not sure how saying Busch deserves a second chance is a Trump middle finger. He didn’t force you to do anything with a policy. Just keep boycotting. Your problem would be with anyone that listens to Trump, not Trump. (By the way, Trump does not drink.) He said to get the jab if you want to. That didn’t bother me either.

  2. Just to put a finer point on this, I guess what I’m saying is that I’m not willing to boycott Trump on this issue. Seems as though Budweiser got the message and are “weiser.” And that is the goal of a boycott, to change the policy, not put innocent workers out of work. I would much rather have a Budweiser powerhouse that isn’t woke than no Budweiser and have the void filled by a woke company.

  3. What’s worse about biden giving us the finger is that some of us have a clue where that finger has been!

    Good ad, most Americans own the concept of when someone is flipping them off.
    TRUMP24, or it’s over.

  4. Budweiser employs one hell of a lot of people. Why would you NOT give them a second chance? Dumb.

    Four of those Venezuelan shit disturbers have been re arrested. In Arizona. I’m not sure what for. I got in on the tail end of the story on News Max. These people are clearly here to cause lots of problems. If you need to shoot one try and stand back a little bit. Shit splatters.

  5. The American people, for the most part, are a forgiving lot and conservatives are the most tolerant people on the planet, but forgiveness requires a genuine show of contrition on the part of the offender. Unless I missed it, this was never done by the CEO.

    A timely public statement recognizing the misstep, one taking responsibility and providing clear unambiguous steps to rectify the slight, this would have gone a long way in reconciling with the target consumer. The CEO did none of these. He was way late to the party, never apologized, then wrongly thought that reassigning that dumb woman responsible for the stupid idea would be enough. Nobody was fired;

    I don’t begrudge Trump or Dana White for wanting comity, both have motives different from mine, and I would tell the CEO, that it is never too late to do the right thing.

  6. What we are experiencing is textbook anarcho-tyranny. The government wants to control the productive and taxpaying populace and make them bend the knee to the bureaucratic tyrants. They don’t give a fuck about controlling crime. If you don’t bend that knee, you’ll have to live with the criminals.

    People should keep a close eye on all parties who play a role in placing this boot on our throats. And if you ever find an opportunity to make one of them suffer with a minimal possibility of you getting caught, do not pass it up. Hurt them badly.

    If this happens enough, the tyrants will start getting superstitious. They’ll start figuring out their government god doesn’t care about them either.

  7. Trump likely also knows that Brandon knowingly and voluntarily has already forfeited his American Citizenship, Spiritual Faith and Reason a long time ago.

    All that’s left for him now is Treason, lies to cover his Treason, and eventual Death.


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