New: Unsealed Records detail FBI/DOJ Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell cover-up – IOTW Report

New: Unsealed Records detail FBI/DOJ Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell cover-up

Techno Fog-

They always knew.

Today, the DOJ published records unsealed by court order in the Ghislaine Maxwell case. These included a motion and numerous exhibits detailing what the FBI/DOJ – and in particular, the Southern District of New York – knew about the criminal activities of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell back in 2016.

Recall that Epstein was given a sweetheart deal back in 2007. Notes from a meeting in 2016 – read the document here – reveal that a “US Attorney has said [Epstein] could be prosecuted elsewhere.” They failed to act for years, however. read more

13 Comments on New: Unsealed Records detail FBI/DOJ Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell cover-up

  1. We knew a long time ago that there existed in this country two different and distinct judicial systems, one for the well connected, the Deep State, the power level pullers, the corporatists who give them money, and one system for all the other slobs, those peons that work for themselves and think for themselves.

    When I hear about yet another instance where those above the law not only get away with it but rub it in our noses, it just pisses me off and gets me thinking about retribution.

  2. @tctsunami: Problem is, John Roberts in a couple of photos was on the pedo island. Nothing will come of this since Jeffrey is dead (maybe), and Ghislaine hasn’t said a word since her incarceration. She won’t see the light of day even if she turns States evidence and witness. Far too many men in high places would have her killed. In fact, I’m surprised she’s still breathing. I sure hope she has turned over evidence to secret pals and her lawyer as back up insurance. She doesn’t come off to me as a dumb person.

  3. The one reason they never got prosecuted and things were buried. They’re all part of it, they couldn’t very well prosecute someone that could turn on them.
    It’s quite simple.

  4. Epstein was an agent for US and Israeli govts. He was tasked and financed to gather blackmail evidence on those in power to make certain they played by “their” rules. Full stop.

  5. Too many well connected people. Jeffery would still be breathing if the FIB didn’t find the videos, I bet Ghislaine has then hidden someplace, or she’d already would have “hung” herself.

  6. Well, while the sundry microbiological labs are breeding lethal viruses to sic on the public, how about one designed to take out high ranking federal bureaucrats, starting with lawyers and political appointees? Just for balance, don’t you know…

  7. Pedophilia, well, having sex with children, nothing really to do with love, goes hand-in-hand with Satanism and the DoJ and FBI are the Shield and the Sword of Nihilistic Totalitarianism (Satanism/Socialism/Communism/Nazi-ism whatever guise it’s working under at the moment) at least here, in the US of A.
    They’ve been protecting perverts for decades: Roberts, Clinton, Emanuel, Epstein, Maxwell, Barr, Durham, Comey, Newsom, Brown, Biden, &c.

    Let the Sun shine! Let the Sun shine in!
    We truly need a Great Awakening – not just “woke” nonsense.

    izlamo delenda est …


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