New Year’s Eve Document Dump of Hillary eMail – IOTW Report

New Year’s Eve Document Dump of Hillary eMail

The Hill looked at some of them and these are what they deemed post-worthy:

There were also other surprising revelations — such as billionaire and liberal donor George Soros telling a Clinton ally he regretted supporting President Obama, and that that German Chancellor Angela Merkel supposedly despised the “Obama phenomenon.”

The Daily Mail reports that the email count of “classified” emails is over 1000, yet, Hillary is a democrat frontrunner for the office of the presidency.

When will I wake up from this nightmare, the one where I am stuck in Cuckooland?

4 Comments on New Year’s Eve Document Dump of Hillary eMail

  1. This is another Clinton job. Get the shit out there. Let them see it. It’s all bullshit. Just like she was a bullshit First Lady, Senator, and Sec. of State. She is still adored by the media and the LoFos.

  2. This calls for a celebration; straight up Abuelitas all around. To make a Hillary-Style Abuelita is simple. 8oz. Hot Prune Juice, 1 Shot Tequilla, 1 Shot Rum, and Splash Tobasco to taste, served in an oversized mug or soup bowl but really, “What difference does it make”?

  3. That’s the best the Hill can do? Hey lib so tell me again why this woman is not in jail? Lesser mortals have lost their jobs, been prosecuted or fined for mishandling even one secret report. Must be Democrat Privilege.

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