New York Becomes First State to Pass Legislation Banning Use of Natural Gas for Heating and Cooking – IOTW Report

New York Becomes First State to Pass Legislation Banning Use of Natural Gas for Heating and Cooking

GP: The Biden Regime said reports claiming they were seeking to ban gas stoves was a conspiracy theory.

Chuck Schumer went out of his way to chastise those concerned saying, “Nobody is taking away your gas stove.”

The Gateway Pundit reported that earlier this year, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission said gas-powered stoves are a ‘hidden health hazard.’

Although Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm mocked the millions of Americans concerned about the federal government’s plans to put restrictions on gas stoves, she admitted the Biden Regime wants to ban “some” gas stoves.

Now, New York State is banning the use of natural gas for heating and cooking in some new buildings.

According to The New York Times, “The provisions will require new buildings to be constructed with only electric hookups for appliances and utilities beginning in 2025. The law will go into effect for buildings with fewer than seven stories beginning in 2026. The requirements will kick in for taller buildings by 2029.”

Reuters reports:

Both the Democratic-led Assembly and Senate late on Tuesday approved the provisions, which are included the state’s $229 billion budget. Governor Kathy Hochul and lawmakers agreed to the outlines of the spending package last week.


21 Comments on New York Becomes First State to Pass Legislation Banning Use of Natural Gas for Heating and Cooking

  1. The 9th Circuit just struck down a Berkley CA ordinance that tried to do the same thing, kiddies. If the 9th Circus thinks you went too far I don’t expect this bill will stand for long either. And, if Berzerkley appeals to the Supreme Court and it is upheld that kills all similar bills nation wide.

  2. Anything that’s abundant, cheap, convenient and makes sense democrats will destroy it.

    Electric bar-b-ques can’t be far off now.

    One reason and one reason alone to do this: Power over you. Switch off the power you can’t cook, drive a car, see after dark, stay warm. Lock your ass down, take fines right off your CBDC card and adjust social credits. Redistribute it in the name of equity.

  3. More people will have to pack up and move out of NY. I’m sure someone coming over the border this week won’t mind sleeping in the snow in New York and pay taxes to do so. Thank any democrap.

  4. It’s all about lawyers & money laundering. All these absurd “bans” will be tied up in the courts as intended, with tons of cash flowing back to demoncrats.

  5. NYS is currently governed by a leftist extremist who will do
    ANYTHING to be on the 2024 national ticket.
    It would not be surprising how extremw ANYTHING can be.

  6. Since our elections are corrupt and your vote doesn’t count so you can’t get rid of these commie assholes, it wouldn’t surprise me if some of these elite assholes get whacked!

  7. You reap what you sew. See how it works New York? You had an excellent chance to have Lee Zeldin as your Governor, but instead, it just had to be a Marxist bitch on a power trip. Enjoy freezing & starving to death when this takes effect. You have it coming, good & hard. I have zero sympathy.

  8. “Old crazy joe has enough gas stored up in his colon that can power all the needs for the indefinite future!”

    Your powers of observation are indeed poor. That ain’t his colon… 😀

  9. ‘Kickback Kathy’ as she’s known by for her pay-to-play schemes and other sinister dealings, knows full well that electric-powered entities and appliances are much more expensive to use than gas-powered. The huckster also knows that minorities and low income people cannot afford to pay for electricity-powered stoves and ovens, which is her sly tactic of forcing them out. The billionaire race-hater and former mayor-toad of NYC Bloomberg did similar against the poor.

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