New York City Mayor Eric Adams Indicted by Grand Jury in Federal Investigation – IOTW Report

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Indicted by Grand Jury in Federal Investigation


New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) was indicted by a grand jury on Wednesday as part of a federal investigation, according to several sources.

The indictment against Adams was reported to be sealed, bringing uncertainty surrounding the “charge or charges” the mayor “will face,” according to the New York Times.

“The federal investigation” against Adams has reportedly centered around “whether Adams and his campaign conspired with the Turkish government to receive illegal foreign donations,” according to the outlet.

Sources reportedly told the New York Post that Adams would allegedly “surrender to authorities early next week.”


14 Comments on New York City Mayor Eric Adams Indicted by Grand Jury in Federal Investigation

  1. EVERY black who gets into politics does so for their share of the spoils. THAT is what they learned most of all being kept down on their DNC ‘massas’ plantation since the mid 60s. They have seen the good ‘ole boys club of criminal white politicians steal from everyone and now they want their share. The ONLY reason they went after this guy is either because someone else had independently exposed his crimes, or as he says, he spoke out against the criminality of the Harris/Biden open borders TREASON.

  2. I don’t like Adams. I work in the Bronx and all my coworkers dislike him. He is useless and never had a handle on the real problems of NYC. BUT, I really couldn’t stand the last Mayor and the City let him and his wife get away with so much corruption and mismanaged money that went into their pockets. He brought NYC back to what it was in the 70’s/80’s. They let him get away with it because he and his wife complied with the orders from the “real criminals running the show” and the promise to never be implicated in any wrong doing as long as they followed orders, which is all de Blasio knew how to do.

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  3. So I’m scratching my head about this one. When did democRATz ever care about democRAT corruption??? How ’bout never. I’m wondering if this is retribution for Adams whining about immigrant over-load as a message to other democRATz not to be a nail that sticks up!

  4. He wasn’t complaining about Pudding Brain and Kamaltoes’ open borders, he was complaining about Texas giving the protected class formerly known as wetbacks a one-way bus ride to NYC and a bag of Doritos.
    He’s well versed in claiming victim status and has reportedly suffered financially ever since Uncle Ben’s took him off of the rice boxes.


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