New York Human Rights Commission Blatantly Violates Constitutional Rights of Fashion Icons – IOTW Report

New York Human Rights Commission Blatantly Violates Constitutional Rights of Fashion Icons


The New York City Commission on Human Rights, an oversight agency that monitors compliance with the city’s incredibly broad anti-discrimination law, has ordered the fashion company Prada to stop selling certain toy dolls—described by many as racist caricatures akin to blackface—and send its employees to sensitivity training.

In doing so, the overzealous agency is claiming vast new powers to police a private entity’s behavior. Unfortunately, Prada is meekly submitting to the commission’s demands, and other companies—including Dior and Gucci—are facing similar inquisitions. More

8 Comments on New York Human Rights Commission Blatantly Violates Constitutional Rights of Fashion Icons

  1. Hope they get to Gwyneth Paltrow ASAP.
    Why was that candle only named “Smells Like My Vagina”?
    Kind of of racist not being inclusive to others, don’t you think?
    What no options for Woopie, Beyonce, Kathy Griffin etc…
    I see a Class Action suit coming up from these folks.


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