New York Jury Reaches Verdict on Trump’s NY Lawfare Trial – IOTW Report

New York Jury Reaches Verdict on Trump’s NY Lawfare Trial

GP: Guilty on 34 Counts.

In a shocking twist that defies the principles of American jurisprudence, Judge Merchan instructed the jurors that they do not need to reach a unanimous decision on the specific “unlawful means” that Trump is accused of in the case. They just have to sense that he is guilty. This goes against all common law in US history. more

94 Comments on New York Jury Reaches Verdict on Trump’s NY Lawfare Trial

  1. traitors traitors traitors traitors traitors
    traitors traitors traitors traitors traitors
    traitors traitors traitors traitors traitors
    traitors traitors traitors traitors traitors
    traitors traitors traitors traitors traitors
    traitors traitors traitors traitors traitors
    traitors traitors traitors traitors
    …and that’s just the jurors.

  2. So what happens short term? Apparently sentencing is set for July 11. I guess Trump walks free (I can’t imagine if they tried to incarcerate him today), but we just have legalese at least until July?
    Meanwhile, I expect a YUGE boost in the polls for Trump.

  3. Supreme Court has to overrule.
    The jurors cannot just say they have a “sense” that he’s guilty.
    Goes against all lawful ruling and is a blatant disregard for due process.

  4. We no longer live in a free country 😞

    Trump is my choice and will still vote for him 👍

    Please Lord comfort and protect President Trump 🙏❤️🕊️

    MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


    “Judge” Merchan is a Merchant of evil.

    Trump will win in November anyway. Fuck the liberal/socialist scumbags.

  6. As expected. Remember when the pig-eyed, crooked JackassJoe bragged about how he was going to restore “Decency and Unity” back to the White House! Well far from it! Since then it has been nothing but the exact opposite! Barking Executive Orders, screaming character assassinations, ridicule, scorn, slander, denigration, division, defamation, defecation and obvious lies on top of preposterous lies and a crooked-ass Kangaroo court for his opponent to go with all of it! Anything that approaches the Truth has been murdered and thrown into the flaming dumpster of progressive history! This administration is so lost in an inferno of crime, skullduggery, smut, verbal masturbation and absolute corruption that it’s obvious to everyone with half a brain that they’ve mutated into sick, twisted, wretched animals, repugnant to everything that’s great about the United States! democRATz are sick, twisted vehicles of Third-World Communist hate marching in lock-step with each other in an endless clown parade of let-downs, put-downs, shut-downs, shut-outs and freeze-outs (cancellation) led by a bunch of sell-outs, numb-nuts, no-nuts and GAF pussies who only appeal to border-jumping piñata-spankers and Feta-reeking cab jockeys who would sooner ram a Checker up yer hatchback and start shaking chicken bones on a Voo Doo stick with a skull on top of it at America! Indicting and convicting Trump on phony charges is the only way they can beat him and keep Donald J. Trump from getting in their way of destroying America and… America is damn sick and tired of this shit!
    What is “This Shit”?
    Communism 101.

  7. The truth of the matter is this verdict probably just secured his presidency. Team Retard has failed at everything they’ve thrown at him. Every crooked dirty bull shit thing they throw at him makes him stronger.And when Team Retard sees the bounce MAGA gets out of this they’re going to get even more desperate than they are now.Look out.

  8. They have witnesses, videos, testimony of coconspirators, forensic evidence, bank records, and emails on the Biden Crime family and look what they get away with.

  9. @Anon — You are gloating, which can only mean that you’re either too stupid or too blinded ideologically to realize that all those guilty verdicts are Trump assets, and may well have nailed down his victory on November 5.

  10. @ Uncle Al THURSDAY, 30 MAY 2024, 17:28 AT 5:28 PM

    “read about the tragic suicide of Juan Merchan?’

    I don’t know how old Juan is but the only tragic thing about his suicide would be it came twenty or thirty years too late!!

    The New York jury just convicted

  11. The Trump’s legal team will immediately appeal. The New York justice system will delay the appeals process while sentencing and setting the date for Donald Trump to report to prison. There will be no delay in when he has to report to prison or when his sentence begins. The goal is to have him in prison before the election.

    Biden will now back out of debates and go on a smear offensive to end all smear offensives with the idea that enough people out there don’t really pay attention and will not vote for a convicted felon.

    They might just get away with it.

  12. Hope President Trump holds the biggest baddest rally ever this weekend 😁

    Just in…his donation website has crashed meaning “We The People” are pissed 😡

  13. time to start phoning and writing letters to your congressman and representatives. ask them the hard questions. why have you done nothing to secure the justice system as fair and unbiased for our presidential candidate donald trump. why have you done nothing to stop the corruption. why have you failed to follow your oath of office to uphold the constitution on the united states. why do you recognize a corrupt tiered justice system.

    demand congress take action for immediate remedy. all departments taking part in the corruption to be shuttered with full disclosure.

    dam this really needs military action.

  14. Genesis 50:20, The Holy Bible
    “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.”
    This corrupt “verdict” will blowback in the future on the the Marxist Demoniac Democrats. Recompense is coming.

  15. Like Hamas, the democrats are going to wish they’d never started this war. They won the opening battle but they’re going to lose the war. There is not one elected democrat in America who could survive what President Trump was subjected to.

  16. We are one step away from this;
    “The Window War”

    …meets Claire Wolfe
    “America is at that awkward stage; it’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.”
    ― Claire Wolfe

    We just stepped beyond that awkward stage. Time to start “breaking windows”.

  17. Dr Tar

    Mr. Pinko, who always has good 411, seems to think a dates already been established. I have not seen that. But apparently Bush set legal precedence for fast tracking election issues to the supreme court. And this is election interference. So the legal eagles I’ve followed seem to suggest that route. I dunno. He seems to have a pretty good legal team. But what you describe is my understanding of where he’s at right now.

  18. For me, this is even worse than 9/11. Why? Because Americans did this shitty verdict to an American. I am so **cking angry right now I can’t see straight.

    Time to split this country in two.

  19. Anyone who thinks the military is in anyway going to step in hasn’t been paying attention. Obama was taking notes early in his administration when he and Hillary did the whole Arab spring thing. They saw that it was the country’s militaries that stepped in and corrected things. So Obama spent his entire term purging constitutional conservatives from our military. The US military is run by hard core progressives, faggots, trans, affirmative action idiots, social justice warriors, community organizers & DEI. Do not expect anything but utter obedience to Jobama from it.

  20. The fix was in. The jurors who provided wanted to vote not guilty were threatened by the Biden Administration if they did. The jurors with TDS will reap what they have sowed.

    The Deep State are embolden now. Motivated by fear of losing control. They will most likely boldly and out in the open, rig the November election. The gauntlet has been thrown down by the left.

    Evil has control over the United States of America for now. Patriots, don’t throw in the towel. God will have the last word about the country he loves.

  21. @ TheMule THURSDAY, 30 MAY 2024, 18:05 AT 6:05 PM

    They are out and proud Satanists. Anyone who has cast a legitimate vote for any Democrat since 2020 knows exactly what/who they are voting for and is just hunky dory with that.

  22. Judge Merchan has ruled against him again and again.

    Finally Donald Trump lost his temper and said, “What a moron!”

    The judge, flushed with anger, shouted, “$1,000 fine!”

    “$1,000 dollars?!” Trump said. “I said three words.”

    “Those three words were contempt of court,” the judge said, “and that’s a $1,000 fine.”

    Mr. Trump got out his wallet and started looking through it.

    Thinking there’s been a misunderstanding, Judge Merchan calmed down a bit and said, “you don’t have to pay now.”

    Mr. Trump, “No, I’m just checking to see if I have enough cash on me for two more words…. just two more!”

  23. Barry, he’s a sweet innocent baby campared to Mr Crime Bigly Boss man. Now Killary, she’s one bad mama jama, when she gets mad, look out & be prepared to be thrown overboard.

  24. How cum your the only one that thinks that nonsense, he didn’t even wear a raincoat. Please tell that baloney to the other 26 women who have come forward with rape claims done by Mr Serial Rapist. Bill Crosby is one of his former best buds.

  25. ” I don’t even know what “Our side” means anymore.”

    I think our side is MAGA. Which is 2% of our elected officials and a shit load of us. We don’t have the representation. YET. Currently everything is run by the CIA and a shadow government.

  26. copy of letter sent to representative. copy and paste modify as needed. get it out there now. they need to feel the outrage.

    time to get busy. the corruption of justice has gone too far. the recent ruling in ny for our president trump is way out of bounds. i do expect you to follow your oath of office, to uphold the constitution of the united states. this means to gather your like minded representatives and demand the judiciary be shuttered (no money) until such a time the bad actors are tried and convicted for treason. this is way out of line tiered justice to silence a election candidate. no money for this kind of justice. shut it down now by defunding. if the opposition gives you any flak, defund them as well. this is a no brainer.

  27. So proud of President Trump. He has maintained his dignity throughout unrelenting persecution by the Biden Administration – an arc of evil.

    President Trump is staying strong and seems prepared for what the Deep State will dish out next.
    Still, pray for him and his family. They need God’s protection – very sure they have it.

  28. It will take blood of patriots to wash this stain off the body politic of the USA. It is very unfortunate for all of us, even those who have fomented and benefited from this disgrace will rue the day of this occurrence.

  29. BASTARDS! I am pissed beyond words; this is not the free America that I grew up in. God will not be mocked by these godless, unconstitutional jackasses. Trump and MAGA will win because I believe that we have God’s favor on our side after this banana republic/communist decision by this numbskull/kangaroo court/star chamber jury today. I don’t know about you but lately I have been fervently praying that God is in control and that this ruling will not stand. I never thought that we would ever get to this point as a nation, I hate the left with a burning passion. FJB and all the left.

  30. if they can do to Trump, they WILL do it to you!
    Truer words were never said. We are quickly sliding down the slippery slope. This lawless middle finger to the Constitution and America by The National Socialist Party AKA demcratz has to be dealt with, but remember, they are looking for any excuse to declare Martial Law, so be careful and smart about it!

  31. Take heart –
    The Media is against us
    BIG Tech is against us
    The Swamp is against us
    the Deep State is against us
    The Hollywood Elites are against us
    China is against us (along with China’s “Anonymous” against us)
    But President Trump has the Honest, hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding, God-fearing Working Man and Woman behind him and nothing can beat that!

  32. That cunt that Musk hired at X is purging conservative accounts. And you can’t even start your suspension period because they have a “are you human?” test that is ten steps long and times you out every time. This is how they’re gonna get around the 7 day suspension limit. You’ll never be able to start it.

  33. Time for peace is over!
    Time to save our great nation with force!
    But sadly, conservatives will do nothing because we are God fearing men & women.
    “Anonymous” is such a freaking tool. Keyboard pussy.

  34. Is anyone surprised?
    The Dirty Dems just guaranteed record fundraising for Trump.
    Our flag will also be going upside down. Or maybe the black one will go out.

  35. FDR in Hell, we need a good quote from you! Maybe something like: May 30, 2024, a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by democrats ignoring the rule of law, the Constitution and Americans everywhere!

  36. This shit took off in 2004 with the Democrats getting confirmation from the Republican establishment that they were on board. The King County Democrat machine stole the Washington gubernatorial election in broad daylight and the Republican establishment in Olympia and DC confirmed that they weren’t going to do a fucking thing except play their part by acting like they were upset about it. They then both have worked with their friends across the aisle to incrementally increase the lawlessness and this is where we are today.

    Don’t be fooled.

  37. So any guy now married and a good husband and father who wants to keep a youthful indiscretion, (like a half-hour with a ten dollar whore) out of the public eye can now be raked over the coals by the US legal conglomerate. For the entire world to see. All because he didn’t want his wife and kids to find out about it at the checkout line at the supermarket.

    What has happened to President Trump is as travesty. A miscarriage of justice. When was Bill Clinton and his murdering hag-wife subjected to similar treatment, or did I sleep through their trial?

  38. Because I hate teachers for what their ignorant asses did in my state a few years ago and because they hate the man we elected to fix our schools, I follow a FB page where their stupidity is stalked on their social media accounts and posted to this page. They’re all cheering this and they’re as stupid as this anon idiot on here believing there is nothing Trump’s supreme court justices can do.
    I tell people all the time this is what is teaching your kids when they’re not molesting them or giving them drugs.
    All of them are idiots and none on the left have a clue what this means for our country. It isn’t about Trump really, yes that’s who they’re doing it to, but it’s what they will do to anyone who disagrees with them. We are officially a Banana Republic and they’re all too stupid to even know what that means.

  39. Bad ass Old Racist White Woman

    The thing these morons don’t get is this is just the beginning, far from the end. These celebratory morons don’t understand the process. But they will. Hey, how about you and me tag teaming the trolls? Snicker.

  40. we all knew this was coming…we just didn’t want to believe it…

    so it’s not really any surprise, is it???…we just couldn’t accept that it really would happen…

    guess what… really happened…..they actually DID THIS THING….

    mark levin said, “put on our legal and political brass knuckles, and never ever say uncle”….FIGHT BACK OR DIE, we’re tired of being the nice guys, who always ALWAYS finish last…..

    but how do we force our “representatives,” who only want to go along and get along…to actually represent us…??..

    in the past, what has worked was ropes, tar and feathers, pitchforks, and various other forms of violence….we are cautioned not to engage in violence…..i wonder why that is???

    no one objects when the left engages in violence……maybe we should try it……seems to work for them….

    they were celebrating on the streets of nyc today….

  41. What I want to know is why the jury didn’t just immediately find Trump guilty?
    Why the bullshit “two day” deliberation?
    If he was “guilty” of all 34 counts, why the charade?

    The fix was so baked into the cake, it was scripted.

  42. “He can’t shoot anyone on 5th Avenue, in New York a felony conviction takes that right away to own a firearm or be in possession of one.”

    And mean while black and Hispanic felons murder the shit out of each other with guns. Every day. You’re not very bright are you?

  43. You answered your own question LBS.
    They believe their 2-day deliberation will make us what they did was totes legit.
    This judge, this court, this City, the Press, and the Shitpants idiots celebrating in those streets only proved they are unworthy of living amongst the rest of us.
    Send them to die in Ukraine, where the lifespan of the unfortunate young men who are CAPTURED and sent to the war, their lifespan is a mere THREE HOURS !!!

  44. “He can’t shoot anyone on 5th Avenue, in New York a felony conviction takes that right away to own a firearm or be in possession of one.”

    The government can and does violate and deny your rights (not constitutionally) and you can allow them to do so but they can’t actually take them away. Most felons don’t give up their right to keep and bear arms except while in prison, only law abiding citizens do that.


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