New York lawmakers introduce legislation to legalize sex work in the state of New York – IOTW Report

New York lawmakers introduce legislation to legalize sex work in the state of New York

Daily Caller:

New York lawmakers introduced legislation to legalize sex work in the state of New York on Monday.

The legislation, titled Stop Violence in the Sex Trade Acts, covers a variety of topics related to sex work. Lawmakers say that the bill would decriminalize sex work and guard against human trafficking within the sex working industry, according to The Hill.

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21 Comments on New York lawmakers introduce legislation to legalize sex work in the state of New York

  1. …not that New York Politicians don’t screw everyone else for money ANYWAY, but THIS one’s gonna lose them the woman vote…

    …Married women don’t want their men having the opportunity to visit a brothel without the threat of the Police calling her later.

    …Single women well understand that many single men, given an opportunity to RENT, will then not BUY.

    …ALL women understand this VASTLY increases the liklhood of their feckless male taking a side quest while out of town on business, from which he may just bring home the world in his pants…and SHARE it with her.

    …This ALSO ignores the abuse from Johns, from pimps, the likelihood that sex “workers” will include sex “slaves” brought in by our ever-helpful Islamic gastarbeiters, the spread of ALL sorts of diseases, not just STDs but tuberculosis, hepatitis, a world’s worth of upper respiratory diseases, ALL of which are EASILY contracted from close contact with someone who you do not know, who MAY be asymptomatic at the TIME, but WAIT ’till you find out what you brought HOME along with the postcards…

    …and this is ALSO the Democrat trend of “legalizing” things that they wanna do ANYWAY, so they just blow those boring ol’ laws away because NO ONE CAN JUDGE THEM.

    Never mind that those laws were there for a REASON, like preventing child prostitution or protecting women from some fella who wants to take his change out in blood: and Cletus is likely to handle his customer complaints by disciplining his employee with a hangar-made pimp stick right up in the works if she gives him any backtalk about it…

    …Nope, this does NOTHING but show that, once AGAIN, Democrats are only concerned with chaos, decay, and devolution, wanting only to turn the United States into a crumbling, entropic, third-world mess so they can rule the ruins.

    This will do NOTHING but anger MOST women, and ABUSE quite a few.

    …and just WAIT ’till you have an entire STATE full of Danny Bonaduces who find out the “girl” they’re being given to bed, has a li’l something “extra” down there for his groping hand to find…

  2. Soooooo … Weiner and Spitzer were just ahead of the legislative curve?

    May as well legalize pedophilia and pederasty, while they’re at it.
    It’s already legal to kill em, so having sex with them or selling them shouldn’t be a big deal.
    But for heaven’s sake – keep them damned 32 oz. drinks illegal!
    And straws! And one-sies!

    Anything to extort another couple of dollars out of the benighted New Yorkers.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. …in terms of the Law of Unintended Consequences, remember that when Government establishes a vice as a new source of revenue, they become VERY protective of it.

    Look no further than CA’s Newsome using the National Guard to enforce his cartel monopoly on his newly “legalized” pot to drive Government profits up.

    …the same will happen HERE. The Government doesn’t care WHO you fuck, WHAT you fuck, or HOW fucked up you get DOING it…but they DO care that they get THEIR cut.

    …and they will be FAR worse than ANY pimp, with all the Police Forces of New York State to hunt you down with, and State prisons to put you in, if you don’t pony UP after going DOWN, and they WILL shoot you if you resist…

  4. The next step will be government control and operation of the sex industry. Then give it about five years and the brothels will look like the local DMV, you can get in a line to see a sullen, older and bitter clerk can give you the forms needed for an “appointment” and send to to another line to been seen by another sullen and bitter clerk who check your form while looking at you suspiciously and will give you a number and direct you to a row of seats where you’ll wait until the number is called and your directed to a room wherein you’ll find your servicing technician who is a 50 year old, overweight, black transsexual with missing teeth who has this job because of government mandated affirmative action programs who is sitting on the bed with a clipboard asking you to list your desires for the session and you notice the on the sideboard the bowl of condoms purchased by the government from the lowest bidder that you’ll use for your visit.
    Yep, five years and the sex trade will be gone.

  5. @Supernightshade June 11, 2019 at 12:21 pm

    > THIS one’s gonna lose them the woman vote

    > Married women don’t want their men

    > Single women well understand that many single men, given an opportunity

    > ALL women understand this VASTLY increases the liklhood of their feckless male

    One of these days, men will have some use other than fulfilling wymyn’s whims.

    But, not until we smash the damn patriarchy!

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