New York Looks to Cap Ammo Purchases to Twice A Gun’s Capacity Every 90 days – IOTW Report

New York Looks to Cap Ammo Purchases to Twice A Gun’s Capacity Every 90 days

The grabbers are doing their end-around and legislating bullets.

TruthAboutGuns –

“State lawmakers from Brooklyn announced on Monday new legislation aimed at tightly restricting the sale of ammunition in New York,” reports. “The Senate and Assembly bills were drafted in an effort to keep potential terrorists from stocking up on ammo, according to sponsors state Sen. Roxanne Persaud and Assembly member Jo Anne Simon.” Yeah, right. Skipping all the yada yada yada, we learn that the amendment to the SAFE Act would
limit Empire State gun owners’ ammo purchasers to twice a gun’s capacity every ninety days. As the Eagle points out . . .

While the measure is aimed at owners of assault rifles, the language contained in the draft legislation would also affect owners of handguns with much smaller capacities, such as six-shooters.

Since the measure would cap the amount of ammunition to no more than twice the amount of the capacity of the weapon every 90 days, these gun owners would be limited to buying a dozen bullets every three months.

This provision is likely to make the bill unpopular with everyday gun owners and advocacy groups including the National Rifle Association.




25 Comments on New York Looks to Cap Ammo Purchases to Twice A Gun’s Capacity Every 90 days

  1. In order to sight in a hunting rifle with a new scope, it might take 8 to 10 rounds or more (and many hunting rifle mags hold only 4 or 5 rounds). The good news is that I can now hit my target at 250 yards – the bad news is I have to wait 90 days before I can actually go hunting and by then the season is over for the year.

    These leftists are so full of themselves that they think they can make up any excuse for passing unconstitutional, nonsensical laws and nobody will figure out what their real goal is. They see no irony in the fact that they are attempting to pass bogus laws that in themselves are illegal in a flagrant attempt to subvert the supreme law of the land which is the US Constitution (and the 2nd Amendment specifically in this case).

    It’s instances such as this for which Jefferson prescribed watering the tree of liberty.

  2. Tom – have you ever considered being a permanent snow bird? The southern states are still a pretty good place to live and if our politicians (even democrats) came up with this kind of trash, they would be removed from office in short order. I can buy all the ammo I want with no questions asked with no record of it in a govt. database, and guns aren’t registered either (you still have to do a background check, but it is illegal for the state government to retain the information).

  3. If Hillary is elected, I forsee another ‘Million Man March’. But this time it’ll be us ” Bitter-Clingers” open carrying on the Mall. Can you imagine? I’d be happy to make the 15 hour drive.

  4. The Insane Hussein is facing stiff competition for the title of “Gun Salesman of the Century.” This loony legislation will instantly give the “Ammo Salesmen Extraordinaire” title to Roxy and JoAnne.

    I’m popping corn to watch this show. 🙂

  5. While you’re popping corn, sister, Cabelas is popping champagne corks and toasting the flood of New York buyers heading to Hamburg, PA.

    Back to the good ol’ days of empty ammo shelves. 🙁

  6. Question: How do they confirm what your firearm’s capacity is?

    Having, or claiming to have, 10 firearms that shoot the same cartridge can give you 80 rounds for hunting rifles that can hold 4 rounds and 10 handguns with “New York capacity” of 7 rounds can get you 140 rounds.

    Don’t tell me everyone only has one gun.


    Side trivia:

    When Texas was at war with Mexico, they sent a call for Americans to join them in their fight. In the letter they stated you need to bring your own firearm and 200 rounds of ammo.

    That 200 number they arrived at always intrigued me. It says so much.

  7. What ammo is sold in packages of 12? The smallest is almost always 20 for pistol and rifle and 25 for shotgun. So they think they will convince ammo manufacturers to change their packaging strategy?
    Oh – I just realized they really don’t want us to have ANY ammo….

    “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
    – Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

  8. Like poor old Eric Garner, I guess the underemployed will be selling “onesies” cartridges.

    “Psst … hey, buddy … want to buy a .30 carbine cartridge? Good stuff, too, not that Russian shit.”

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