New York Now Giving Illegal Border Crossers Free Plane Tickets to Anywhere in the World – IOTW Report

New York Now Giving Illegal Border Crossers Free Plane Tickets to Anywhere in the World


New York City is now taking drastic new steps to reduce the numbers of border crossers arriving in the so-called illegal immigration “sanctuary.”

NYC taxpayers will now be paying for illegal aliens to receive free plane tickets to the destination of their choice, anywhere in the world.

There is a catch, however, as the Democrat-controlled city is only offering one-way airplane tickets.

On Friday, Kayla Mamelak, the spokeswoman for NYC’s Democrat Mayor Eric Adams, told the Washington Examiner:

“With no sign of a decompression strategy in the near future, we have established a reticketing center for migrants.

“Here, the city will redouble efforts to purchase tickets for migrants to help them take the next steps in their journeys.” more

12 Comments on New York Now Giving Illegal Border Crossers Free Plane Tickets to Anywhere in the World

  1. Ok, I get a TSA proctoscopic document inspection when I fly to New Orleans on business, but you’re telling me that people with NO DOCUMENTS WHATSOEVER can board an international flight with NOTHING?

    Setting aside the “free” ticket thing, how the HELL does THAT work?!?

  2. Any bets they won’t be leaving the US, NYC is just dumping them the same way as their trash?? Sanctuary City, somewhere other than NYC, how concerning of them. Sounds right.

  3. There are THREE important factors to realize in America;

    If you are illegal…you get a pass
    If you are democrat….you get a pass
    If you are Black….you get a pass

    If you are White, Conservative, or Mega….Not so much

  4. What about using military transport aircraft, the kind they can shove them out the back while in flight? Quick trip over the Atlantic, circle back, pick up another load. Problem solved.


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